What were the attitudes to mental health in Ancient times?
mental illness was a result of demonic possession or gods displeasure.
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What was the treatement for mental illnesses in Ancient times?
Trepanning - a hole was drilled into the skull to allow for the release of evil spirits.
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What were the 4 'humours' identified by Hippocrates?
Blood, Phlegm, Yellow bile (anger and aggression) and Black bile (depression).
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What were the attitudes to mental health in the Middle Ages?
the ill were isolated from society, and were treated inhumanly, being chained to walls etc. Bethlem Royal Hospital opened.
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What were the attitudes to mental health in the 16th and 17th Century?
they were believed to be possessed by the devil and were put to death. those who survived were cared for by families or were put into madhouses or prisons, where they were often seen as spectacles.
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What were common treatments in Bethlam hospital?
Cold bathing and bleeding.
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What were the attitudes to mental health in the 18th Century?
They were seen as more treatable - more madhouses were opened.
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What did the Madhouse Act of 1774 do?
introduced licencing and inspections of madhouses.
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What were the attitudes to mental health in the 19th Century?
County asylums started to open and mass construction began.
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What were some of the reforms that occurred to Mental Institutions in the 19th Century?
promise of treatments underpinned by 'Humane principles' and removal of mechanical restraints. patients were no longer spectacles and the religious group 'Quakers' encouraged phsyical work.
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What were the attitudes of mental health in the 20th Century?
This was the beginning of the medical model. physical treatements were offered such as ECT, insulin and labotomies. some institutions were still inhumane (straitjackets). There was a greater move to care in the community. Labels were removed.
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What does the 'Statistical infrequency' definition of Mental Illness suggest?
in terms of measurable characteristics (e.g. IQ) most score around average. Those who score below 55 or above 145 may be abnormal.
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What is the issues with the 'Statistical infrequency' definition?
Fails to distinguish between desirable and undesirable behavior. High IQ is often desired! Also, where does abnormal begin? (144 is normal, but 145 isnt?)
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What does the 'Deviation from Social Norms' definition of mental illness suggest?
moving away from the set of rules that set and guide acceptable behaviour can be seen as abnormal.
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What is the issue with the 'deviation from social norms' definiton?
what is seen as normal behaviour changes from culture to culture. social norms also change with time - for example homosexuality.
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What does the 'failure to function adequately' definition of mental health suggest?
there is a number of things we do during our everyday lives. anyone who is unable to function on a daily basis wouldn't be functioning adequately, and is therefor abnormal.
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What is the issue with the ' failure to function adequately' definition?
what is considered adequate in one culture may be different to another.
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What does the 'deviation from ideal mental health' definition suggest?
there is an ideal state of mental health made up of a number of criteria that dictates ideal mental health. deviation from these is abnormal.
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What is the criteria for an ideal state of mental health?
positive attitude to yourself, autonomy, and fulfilling your potential.
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What is the issue with the 'deviation from ideal mental health' definition?
what is considered healthy in one culture may be different in another, for example attitudes to autonomy are different in individualistic cultures and collectivist cultures.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was the treatement for mental illnesses in Ancient times?
Trepanning - a hole was drilled into the skull to allow for the release of evil spirits.
Card 3
What were the 4 'humours' identified by Hippocrates?
Card 4
What were the attitudes to mental health in the Middle Ages?
Card 5
What were the attitudes to mental health in the 16th and 17th Century?
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