Apartheid In South Africa 1948-64 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryApartheid In South Africa 1948-64International BaccalaureateNone Created by: anna10gCreated on: 09-11-16 10:16 Act which outlawed sex between whites and blacks (1950) Immorality act 1 of 13 Africans were to live in townships outside of cities, but still close enough to commute (1950) Group areas act 2 of 13 New regional authorities for black africans (1951) Bantu authorities act 3 of 13 When was the pass laws act passed? 1952 4 of 13 When was the prohibition of mixed marriages act passed? 1949 5 of 13 When was the reservation of separate amenities act passed? 1953 6 of 13 When did forced removals begin? 1955 7 of 13 Most important law in the creation if the homelands system (1959) Promotion of bantu self government act 8 of 13 Boss rule- ensure complete social, economic and political domination of whites Petty apartheid 9 of 13 Complete territorial segregation, leading to eventual separate independence Grand apartheid 10 of 13 Site of major bus boycott 1957 Alexandra 11 of 13 Trial 1963-4, 10 ANC leaders tried for 221 acts of sabotage Rivonia Trial 12 of 13 trial in which 8 defendants were sentenced to life imprisonment for sabotage Rivonia Trial 13 of 13
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