Apartheid in South Africa 1948-1964

  • Created by: anna10g
  • Created on: 03-05-17 20:47
Define Petty apartheid
Complete social, economic and political domination of whites over blacks
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Define Grand apartheid
Complete territorial segregation of South Africa leading to eventual separate independence. It aimed to establish a moral legitimacy for the apartheid system
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When was the Reservation of Separate Amenities Act passed?
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When was the Immorality Act passed?
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When was the Native Laws Amendment Act passed?
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When was the Population Registration Act passed?
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When were 65,000 people forcibly removed from Sophiatown?
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Who were SACP?
The South African Communist Party (organised African trade unions to win higher wages and better working conditions)
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Who were SACPO?
The South African Coloured People's Organisation (organised boycotts & protests)
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What did the Pan African Congress do?
Organised peaceful, anti pass campaigns. They were banned after one year
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Who was Albert Luthuli?
The President-General of the ANC (elected in 1952)
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What was the Defiance Campaign?
A programme of non-violent civil disobedience, in which volunteers and leaders would deliberately break the law by using segregated amenities and burning pass books
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What did the Defiance Campaign aim to do?
Official Aim: repeal of 6 new laws - Pass Laws, Suppression of communism, Bantu Authorities, Separate representation of voters, stock limitations. BY gaining moral high ground and filling the prisons
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List 6 successes of the defiance campaign
Strong support in ANC stronghold cities, Growth in unity, Growth in support for the idea of large scale protest, Cultural identity grew in prisons, basis for future protest,ANC membership growth
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List 6 failures of the defiance campaign
No laws repealed, liberal whites distanced themselves from radical campaign, govt became more repressive, rural areas barely involved, anticipated strikes at height of campaign never happened, the poor blacks (most repressed) had little impact
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Who were the COP?
Congress of the People. Began in 1955 as an alliance of anti-apartheid congress movements
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Why was the COP created?
To forge a single, popular front; broaden the social base of the ANC, draft a freedom charter, represent South Africans of all races.
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What was the Freedom Charter?
a constitution for post apartheid South Africa
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What were the aims of the Freedom Charter?
End apartheid, non-racial democratic government, divide resources and wealth fairly
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What was the downfall of the Freedom Charter?
There were no guidelines or genuine plans for social and economic transformation
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When was the Alexandra Bus Boycott
7th January 1957
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What caused the Alexandra Bus Boycott?
PUTCO (bus company) raised fares from 4 to 5 pence
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What was the solution?
Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce intervened, and a deal was reached where the old pay structure was restored
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What were the consequences of the boycott?
It showed that popular protest could be successful and scared the apartheid government about the power of the black community
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Who said that the 1950's was a period of 'Heightened defiance, lost opportunity'?
Nigel Worden
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define Grand apartheid


Complete territorial segregation of South Africa leading to eventual separate independence. It aimed to establish a moral legitimacy for the apartheid system

Card 3


When was the Reservation of Separate Amenities Act passed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When was the Immorality Act passed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When was the Native Laws Amendment Act passed?


Preview of the front of card 5
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