Animal Farm - Character Benjamin 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureAnimal FarmGCSEAQA Created by: tonisha_Created on: 07-03-22 19:05 In the _________ in the quote "seldom talked...cynical remark" what device is used? exposition characterisation 1 of 45 Here Orwell demonstrates that Benjamin barely? bothers with the other animals 2 of 45 Orwell also emphasises that it is even rarer that Benjamin does what? speaks anything helpful 3 of 45 Here we can see Orwell indicate that Benjamin only acts to display? intelligence 4 of 45 And that he is not actually? interested in helping the others 5 of 45 CONTEXT ----------------- Here Benjamin represents what in the Russian Revolution? the intelligensia 6 of 45 Orwell believed that the intelligensia were too_______ and _______to act against Stalin? apathetic and slow 7 of 45 And whenever they did speak, it was only to show? how smart they are 8 of 45 In the ______ action in the quote "Benjamin could read as well as any pigs, but never exercised his faculty" what device is used? rising action juxtaposition 9 of 45 Here Orwell indicates that Benjamin had the? power to read 10 of 45 But? refused to use it 11 of 45 Orwell also emphasises that Benjamin could have? challenged the pigs 12 of 45 But? didnt 13 of 45 Here Orwell is showing how the Intelligentsia had the power to? (2) change things and warn people 14 of 45 But ? chose not to 15 of 45 In the _______action in the quote "Do you not understand what that means? They are taking Boxer to the knacker's!" what devices are used? falling action rhetorical question exclamative 16 of 45 Here we can see Orwell demonstrate Benjamins what? desperation 17 of 45 To save? Boxer 18 of 45 The rhetorical question also demonstrates Benjamins________with the others who do not___ _____ __ ________? Benjamins frustration with the others who do not see what is happening 19 of 45 Here Orwell may also be demonstrating Benjamins? frustration 20 of 45 At? himself 21 of 45 For? acting too late 22 of 45 CONTEXT ------------------- Here we can see how the Intelligentsia? failed to speak out before it was too late 23 of 45 Since they could have helped the? proletariat 24 of 45 See the? oppression 25 of 45 In the ________ action in the quote "they were astonished to see Benjamin come galloping" what device is used? falling action imagery 26 of 45 Here we can see the imagery of what? a donkey as a horse 27 of 45 Here we see Orwell emphasise Benjamins? desperation 28 of 45 To? save Boxer 29 of 45 Orwell also demonstrates how late? Benjamin is to act 30 of 45 It also demonstrates the power? Benjamin had this whole time 31 of 45 And the power he? could have had 32 of 45 If he had? spoken earlier 33 of 45 CONTEXT ------------------ Here we see Orwell use the character of Benjamin to demonstrate how the Intelligentsia? also failed to speak out 34 of 45 Despite ? knowing what was going on 35 of 45 In the __________ in the quote "hunger,hardship and disappointment...the unalterable law of life" what devices used here? (3) power of three (tricolon) alliteration cyclical narrative 36 of 45 Here we can see Orwell demonstrate? cynicism 37 of 45 And the lack of? hope 38 of 45 Of the ? intelligent 39 of 45 Orwell demonstrates that the end was ? inevitable 40 of 45 This highlights the? cyclical narrative 41 of 45 We see Orwell write Benjamin as? persuasive 42 of 45 But not to? inspire change 43 of 45 CONTEXT ----------------- Here we can see how the Intelligentsia did? nothing 44 of 45 Therefore? nothing changed 45 of 45
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