Ancient Civilisations Questions on Prehistoric to Roman medicine. 4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? HistoryMedicine through time (OCR History A)GCSEAll boards Created by: Rebecca HillCreated on: 01-05-10 13:57 Prehistoric man's approach to medicine can be best described as... Superstitious 1 of 26 Aboriginal medicines generally contained... Plants & Herbs 2 of 26 What is trephening? Drilling holes into the skull 3 of 26 Aboriginal people were very hygienic because... their way of life and beliefs resulted in cleanliness 4 of 26 Egyptians medicine compared to aboriginal medicine was... more rational 5 of 26 Why did the egyptians not greatly increase their knowledge of anatomy? because their religion prevented dissection of bodies 6 of 26 What primary evidence tells us most about Egyptian medical knowledge... Papyrus documents 7 of 26 The Ancient Egyptian civilisation lasted from... 3000BC - 100AD 8 of 26 The Egyptians were concerned about preventing disease so they were particular about... Personal hygiene 9 of 26 Egyptain man's approach to medicine can best be described as... Partly Superstitious, but partly rational 10 of 26 Did the Greek civilisation develop... After the Egyptians 11 of 26 Was Greek medical knowledge when compared with Egyptian medicine... More rational 12 of 26 Greek Asclepions were... Temples 13 of 26 The work of Greek philosophers affected the development of medicine by... Encouraging people to enquire and question 14 of 26 What was the theory of the four humours? The the body was made up of four liquids 15 of 26 Hippocrates' new ideas concerning medicine involved... Observation and recording of illnesses 16 of 26 The Hippocratic oath is an oath made... Promising correct behaviour towards patients 17 of 26 The Roman approch to medicine when compared with the Greeks was... More practical 18 of 26 The theory of the four humours involved the belief that... Illness was caused by an imbalance of the four liquids implimented by the seasons 19 of 26 Greeks tried to record ill health by... Eating certain foods, exercising and washing frequently 20 of 26 Roman medicine was influenced by the presence of... Greek doctors 21 of 26 The Roman attitude towards medicine was to concentrate on... Public health scheme 22 of 26 What is an aquaduct? A channel for carrying water 23 of 26 Galen is significant because of his discoveries in... Anatomy 24 of 26 Galen belived in... Clinical observation, the four humours and the use of opposites in treatment 25 of 26 Galen was a... A Greek living in the Roman Empire 26 of 26