Intro propaganda, forum of ceasar, campus martins, pontoon and forum augustus
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What will you talk about in forum of ceasar
Avenger of caesar, how the building reflects this, built in 54bc
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Hitorian for forum of ceasar
T.J Luce argues symbolism o completing building plays well for the Augustan propaganda campaign
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What will you talk about for Campus Martius
both physically and symbolically used, housed foreign cults and foreign dignitaries, had the temple of mars ultor (avenger)
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What do historians say on Campus Martius
Hurley - "as powerful picice of political propaganda, the forum enabled Augustus to similtansousl promote his leadership and the contribution to rome of both his real and mythical ancestors
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Pantheon and forum augustus
Built in 28BC, pantheon place where all gods were worshiped, showed pietas, dignitaries, liveralitas and gravitas, similar with forum Augustus, honoured mars and therefore avenger of Caesar
established regime whose propaganda pained him favourably, protector of Rome and descendant of Anaes, lacked real commitment and is clear he used for self promotion "rule throughout italian land and rome"
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Horace discussions
Poetry directly glorified Augustus, celebrates military victoreis, Whilst his works were antenna, they benefited both Augustus and himself
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Horcae qoute
Frankel "determined by his own genius, horace was determined to make his name as a poet"
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Livy discussions
Creates pieces of art reflects Augustan ideals, writes history of roman republic, reflects on past glories and contribution go Augustus, Ovid and how he was expelled for allegedly being to smutty
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Card 2
What will you talk about in forum of ceasar
Avenger of caesar, how the building reflects this, built in 54bc
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