Ancient Rome- The Julio-Claudians- Political and Military
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- Created by: Heather
- Created on: 28-04-17 02:17
When is this period?
irst centiry
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Who was Emperor next and when?
Tiberius, -Aug 14-Mar 37
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Was Tiberius Augustus' first choice?
No he chose many before this to be his heir e.g. cousins, grandchildren etc but all died before Augusus did
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When was Tiberius declared heir?
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What relation was Tiberius to Augustus?
son in law
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How was there a similarity in statues>
Similarities- bowl hair cutwith flick of hair in the middle, sticking out ears and Roman aquiline nose
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Why was this propoganda used?
To show the linage of Emperors
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Did he want to be Emperor?
He had no real interest- He retired to the Greek islands for somone ese to repalce him
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When and what powers were he given?
4AD- given same powers as Augustus- Role in religion, politics etc.
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Why was this done before Augustus died?
To there was an easy transition,
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What do th Senate decide to do?
Validate him as Empror instead of going back to Republic
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What does Tiberius refuse from the Senate liek Augustus?
he refusesall the names of roles but had the same powers
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However, what was his reason for this?
He believed he was too old and couldn't act as a proper Princep and so felt the Senate should run themselves and gave them moroe independence
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How did the Senate take this?
They felt lost and didnt understand the idea of almost returning to the Republic
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What did he then do with the powers?
he took back all the power and toes Augustus had
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What did he try and encourage the Senate to do but did it work?
He tried to get the senate to stand up for themselves but didn't work- "only men fit to b slaves"
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When di Tiberius leave Rome to live on Capri after how many years?
AD16 after 12 years
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Who was mde Praetorian Prefect and whne?
Head of the Emperor's bodyguard Lucius Sejanus from 14-31Ad
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How did the Senate view him?
They didn't like him and felt betrayed when Tiberius left him in charge
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What doesSerjarus do based on censorship?
he control the information that goes to Tiberius
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What did he st up for those that questionned his ruling?
Treason trials
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Waht does he end up doing in the claim of security of the state?
he removes opposition to his power and increased his treasury
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When does Sejarus try to take power?
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What does he try to do with the families on Julians side?
He tries to court various families on Julian side and become integrated and adopted into the family
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Did this work?
No various members told Tiberius
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What did Tiberius do?
He sent soldiers to kill Sejarus and purges happen after, some of Sejarus family were killed
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Who replaced Sejarus as paraetorian prefect for Tiberius?
Naevius Macro
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What were majestas which he introduced?
Trials for treason
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What does this replace?
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Who does it create?
The Delatores- Informants who are willing to accuse members of their fmily and friends to get money from the state
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AS Tiberius is away from Rome, what do people begin gossiping about ?
About what he gets up to, which is often vile and horrendous- Often involves violence and perversions
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When did he die and the public's reaction?
37Ad- To the Tiber with Tiberius- He is smothered by a plllow by Macro to hasten Caligula's succession
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When was Caligula Emperor?
Mar 37- Jan 41
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Who did he descend from?
Augustus and Agrippina directly via popular general Germanicus who was the father of Caligula and grandson of Augustus
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How is he portrayed with statues?
Typical Augustus Julio-Claudian look with same ears, hair and nose
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When does he accept powers Tiberius had?
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How did the public view him when he took charge?
He was much loved- Grandsom of Augustus and part of military line and also not Tiberius anymore
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Give an example to show how happy people were?
160,000 animals were killed in 3 months for public rejoicing,
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What did he grant for the army?
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What trails did he declareto be a thing of the past an who did he recall?
-Majestas, -Recalled thse who were banished
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Give an example of how he was seen as a good and pious person for a year?
He collected the bones of his mother and family and put them in the grave of his family
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Hw long did this image last?
1 year
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Wat did he begin to do and an example?
He began executing peope without trial, such as Macro
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Where did he attempt to expand inAD40 and why?
Brittania -he believed he had been visited by Caesar who believed it to be an important resource
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As he marches his army from Gaul to North coast of France, why doesn't he sail?
he decies its too much efort and the sea is too violent and against him
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What did he order his army to do instead?
Collect sea shells to take from Neptune- He gathered thousands adn thousands and took them back to Rome
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For insane acts, what was his aim behind murdering senators?
With the aim of refilling the imperial treasury
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When was he assassinated and by who?
AD41 by senators and soldiers
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Who was the next ruler and WHen?
Claudius 41-54
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What did he do when he saw the praetorian guards killing Caligula's family?
he ran away but he was declared Emperor
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What did he do with the assassinators?
he pardoned them
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How di the Senate view him and why?
They dislike him as not seen as an heir in the previous emperor's reign
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Who di dhe deify and the public reaction
His grandmother Livia which people liked
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When did he invade Britain?
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What was the public reason why he invaded?
he was invitieed by a tribe in Britain to help them defeat tribes in the North
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What was the real reason he invaded?
It had become a safe haven for rebels from Gual and were fermenting rebellion against the Empire, and to corect Caligula's mistake
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How many legions did he send?
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After the offensive, what did he return with to show his pwoer?
His army and elephants
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What did the Senate grant him and why si this important?
Granted him aa triumph- Only imperial emperro allowed this
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Who did he put in authority?
Those he trusted, often his freedmen or ex-slaves in imperial adminsitration
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How and when did he die?
54Ad -perhpas poisoned by his wif Agrippina
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Who became Emperor next and when did he Rule?
Nero 54-68
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Who were his two heirs?
He had Britannicus from his third wife Messalina and Nero from his Fourth wife
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Who was more popular and why?
Nero as he was a descendant from Augustus so more popular than Britannicus who was blackened by his mother's name
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At what age was Emperor Nero made and why si this important?
16- Youngest to date
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How was he in the first fve years of his reign?
Seen as golden age period- Influenced by Agrippina who understood how the court worked and his tutor Seneca
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However, what was the problem with Agrippina?
Romans didn't like a woman wielding power- Problem with Agrippina
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What does Agrippina do?
She promotes Britannicus instead
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When are both murdered?
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Why does his reign arguably go down hill from there?
Left to his own rule as Seneca retires
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In Britain what happened in 60AD
A rebellion by Boudicca
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Why wsa the Governor of Britain and his trops on the Isle of Anglesey?
They were defeating the Druids who rause the children of Royal families who had great infuence with other tribes and so decides to remove them
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While this is happening, the tribes where stage a revolt?
East Anglia
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Why does boudicca revolt?
She has sufered horribly with the Romans- She and her daughters were ***** after her husband died and she in charge
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What did she do on the way to attacking them?
She burnt many cities adn a fight occured
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Where was the rebellion put down?
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How did Nero die and why?
Ad68- He killed himself when a revolt broke out against him,
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Does the system collapse?
No it carries on- There is no discussion on returning the Empire to Republic
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Did Nero leave heirs?
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What General declared himself Emperor?
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However, 6 motnhs into his reign, what do other legionss do?
They declare themselves Emperor such as General Vitellius and General Otho
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When does this Civil war begin
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What does Otto do?
He marches into the city and has Glaba ahd his son killed
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Who comes out on top?
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Is Vitellisu accepted so what happens?
No so Vespasian decalres himself Emperor,
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waht dynasty does this now leave in charge?
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who was Emperor next and when?
Tiberius, -Aug 14-Mar 37
Card 3
Was Tiberius Augustus' first choice?
Card 4
When was Tiberius declared heir?
Card 5
What relation was Tiberius to Augustus?
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