Ancient Philosophical Influences flashcards - Plato and Aristotle

16 quick flascards to provide a basic overview of the Ancient philosophical influences section of the course

  • Created by: Berbtato
  • Created on: 24-01-17 09:22
World of forms
Platos theoretical world of perfect 'forms' of every object, creature and concept
1 of 16
Prime Mover
Aristotle's concept of the ultimate cause of movement and change in our universe, also called the unmoved mover (Can act with being acted upon)
2 of 16
Using logical steps and thought processes to reach a conclusion
3 of 16
Name Plato gave to ideal or perfect concepts
4 of 16
Four Causes
Aristotle's method of understanding the universe: Material Cause, Formal cause, Efficient cause and Final cause
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Someone who thinks the primary source of knowledge is experience gained via senses (A posteriori)
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Socratic method
Method of philosophical reasoning which involves critical questioning
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Comparison between one thing and another to show meaning, a sort of story or tale with meaning behind it
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Being beyond this world and outside the realm of normality
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Belief that reality can be divided into two parts, good and evil or physical and non-physical etc
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Someone who believes the primary source of knowledge is through reason (A priori)
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An explanatory factor, reason or cause for something
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Form of the Good
Considered by Plato to be the ultimate highest form that embodies goodness and resides at the top of the form heirachy
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The End, or purpose, of something
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Someone who believes in a God or multiple Gods
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Analogy of the cave
Plato's story about prisoners who never saw anything but the shadows on a cave wall, untill one was released but the others refused to believe him about the real world. Its intended to show that people are comfortable in their ignorance
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Aristotle's concept of the ultimate cause of movement and change in our universe, also called the unmoved mover (Can act with being acted upon)


Prime Mover

Card 3


Using logical steps and thought processes to reach a conclusion


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Card 4


Name Plato gave to ideal or perfect concepts


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Card 5


Aristotle's method of understanding the universe: Material Cause, Formal cause, Efficient cause and Final cause


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