Other questions in this quiz

2. which groups in the amino acid act as an acid and a base and why?

  • NH2 acts as an acid -proton acceptor. COOH acts as a base -proton donator.
  • NH2 acts as a base-proton acceptor. COOH acts as an acid-proton donator.
  • NH2 acts as a base-proton donator. COOH acts as an acid-proton acceptor.

3. what effect does PH have on an amino acid?

  • it changes the NH2 to NH3 or COOH to COO-
  • it changes the NH2 to NH or COOH to C(OH)2
  • it changes the NH2 to NH4 or COOH to COO-

4. what is an isoelectric point?

  • the point where an amino acid acts as a base
  • the point where an amino acid acts as both an acid and a base
  • the point where an amino acid acts as an acid

5. what happens if the PH is more acidic than the amino acids isoelectric point?

  • an NH3 group is formed
  • a COO- group is formed


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