American Presidents 1913-2001 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? HistoryAmerica - 19th and 20th centuryA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: EliseJCreated on: 14-03-18 11:25 1913-1921 WOODROW WILSON 1 of 15 1921-1923 WARREN HARDING 2 of 15 1923-1929 CALVIN COOLIDGE 3 of 15 1929-1933 HERBERT HOOVER 4 of 15 1933-1945 FRANKLIN D.ROOSEVELT 5 of 15 1945-1953 HARRY S.TRUMAN 6 of 15 1953-1961 DWIGHT D.EISENHOWER 7 of 15 1961-1963 JOHN F.KENNEDY 8 of 15 1963-1969 LYNDON B.JOHNSON 9 of 15 1969-1974 RICHARD NIXON 10 of 15 1974-1977 GERALD FORD 11 of 15 1977-1981 JIMMY CARTER 12 of 15 1981-1989 RONALD REAGAN 13 of 15 1989-1993 GEORGE H.W.BUSH 14 of 15 1993-2001 BILL CLINTON 15 of 15
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