America Revision
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- Created by: alijen
- Created on: 15-05-18 13:08
What percentage of the working population in the US worked in the Cattle Industry?
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What policy did the Republicans believe in?
Republicans believed in ‘laissez faire’: the government should do as little as possible to interfere in people’s everyday lives; businessmen should be free to make profits
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How many radios were bought on credit?
8 out of 10 radios
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How many cars were bought on credit?
6 out of 10 cars
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How many cars were made in 1900 compared to 1929?
In 1900 only 4,000 cars were made whereas, in 1929, 4.8 million cars were made
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What was the comparison of people to cars in the US, Britain and Russia?
There was 1 car to 5 people in the USA compared with 1 to 43 in Britain, and 1 to 7,000 in Russia
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How was total farm income effected by overproduction?
Total farm income dropped from 22 billion dollars in 1919 to just 13 billion dollars in 1928, with the main problem being overproduction
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In what ways did inequalities of wealth impact the unemployed?
The same number of people (around 5%) were unemployed at the peak of the boom in 1929 as in 1920. Yet the amount of goods produced doubled
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Name a social development in regards to entertainment.
During the 1920s the entertainment industry blossomed. The average working week dropped from 47.4 to 44.2 hours so people had more leisure time.
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How much money did NBC make in 1929?
By 1929 the new network NBC was making $150 million a year
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Who was a famous world heavyweight champion?
Jack Dempsey
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Who was a baseball fan?
Al Capone
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When was the first ‘talkie’ made?
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How many cinema tickets were being sold weekly?
One hundred million
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Who set up the Anti-Flirt club?
Alice Reighly
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What was a rule of the Anti-Flirt club?
‘don’t wink- a flutter of one eye may cause a tear in the other’
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Which year did all states introduce women the right to vote?
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How many women were in jobs in 1929?
There were 10 million women in jobs in 1929, 24% more than in 1920
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In how many states were saloons were banned in 1919?
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State the Volstead Act
In 1917 the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution was passed. This prohibited the manufacture, sale or transportation of intoxicating liquors’. It became law in January 1920 and is known as the Volstead Act
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In what period did prohibition take place?
From 1920 until 1933
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How much did Al Capone make annually from his speakeasies?
$60 million
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What was the ratio of speakeasies to saloons in 1925?
By 1925 there were more speakeasies in American cities than there had been saloons in 1919
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How much illegal alcohol came from Canada?
around 2/3
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What was the name for when people made their own illegal whisky?
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What did the New York FBI boss, Don Chaplin state to 200 agents?
‘Put your hands on the table, both of them. Every son of a ***** wearing a diamond is fired.’
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State some facts about the St Valentine's day Massacre?
In 1929 Capone’s men murdered seven of his rival Bugs Moran’s gang, using a false police car and 2 gangers in police uniform to put Moran’s men off their guard
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Why was Prohibition ended?
The Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected in 1932 and Prohibition was repealed in December 1933
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When was slavery abolished and with which amendment?
1863 with the 13th Amendment
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What was the African American population through the 1920s?
New York: from 150,000 to 330,000 and Chicago: from 110,000 to 230,000
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How many African Americans were murdered by lynching?
Between 1919 and 1925 over 300 were murdered
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Who was the 'Imperial Wizard' of the KKK?
Hiram Wesley Evans
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Who were the KKK and what did they believe in?
They were WASPs who believed in white supremacy
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State the difference between the beliefs of the Republicans and Democrat parties.
Republicans were traditional and conservative not wanting change. They didn't like high taxes. Democrats were liberal and wanted improvements - minimum wage and high taxes
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State the difference between Old immigrants and New immigrants.
Old immigrants were english-speaking white protestant western Europeans and were widely accepted with great jobs. New immigrants were those fleeing to America, often Jews from eastern Europe and Russia escaping persecution. They faced discrimination
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What was the US described as regarding immigration?
A 'melting pot'
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What was the main cause of the Economic Boom and why?
The First World War because the US stayed out of the war and so had minimal destruction and loss. they also benefited from selling goods to Britain and France
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Name causes for the Economic Boom.
WWI, Mass Production, Natural Resources, Stock Market, Rising Wages and Hire Purchase
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Describe the two main events leading up to the Red Scare.
In February 1917 there was a Russian Revolution against their ruler Tsar Nicolas II and his government. In October 1917 the communist party overthrew the provincial
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What happened in May 1919?
Letter bombs were sent to 36 prominent Americans, including businessman John D Rockefeller
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What took place in October 1919?
Hoover had gathered files on 60,000 suspected communists and their sympathisers
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How many people had been deported from the US on Communism charges by 1920?
Over 20,000
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Give a brief overview of the Sacco and Vanzetti case.
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were caused of 2 murders during an armed robbery at a shoe factory in Massachusetts
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What were Sacco and Vanzetti referred to as by the Judge
'those anarchist bastards'
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When were Sacco and Vanzetti executed?
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When did the Wall Street Crash take place?
In October 1929 the Wall Street Crash plunged the US into the Great Depression
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How many were unemployed by 1933?
14 million
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How many banks had gone bankrupt by 1933?
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What was the effect of the Great Depression on international trade?
The USA’s international trade fell from $10 billion in 1929 to $3 billion in 1932
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How many businesses went bankrupt between 1929 and 1933?
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Who was elected as president in 1928?
Herbert Hoover
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What did the famous banner carried in a demonstration of Iowa farmers say?
'In Hoover we trusted and now we are busted'
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Was Hoover Republican or Democrat?
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What did Hoover believe in?
Laissez Fair, Isolationism, Low Wages, Weak Trade Unions, No Minimum Trade
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Was Roosevelt Republican or Democrat?
55 of 105
What did Roosevelt believe in?
Government help, Minimum Wage, Benefits, Higher taxes for the rich
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Who won the 1932 Presidential election?
Roosevelt won an absolute landslide victory thrashing Hoover with the overwhelming 7 million majority
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What were Roosevelt's three 'R's?
Relief, recovery and reform
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Name 3 Alphabet Agencies from the first New Deal.
EBA (emergency banking act), CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) and the AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Agency)
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Give specific knowledge about the CCC.
it created jobs for 2.5 million men
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Give specific knowledge about the EBA.
this closed banks for 4 days until government officials had checked them over and verified them. A few days later 5000 trustworthy banks were allowed to reopen
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Name 2 Alphabet Agencies from the second New Deal.
FLSA (Fair Labour Standards Act), WPA (Works Progress Administration)
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What did Huey Long of Louisiana want?
He wanted to limit personal wealth to a maximum of $3 million in a scheme called ‘Share our Wealth'
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What was the concept of Escapism and when was it introduced?
During the 1930s literature focused on the problems facing society during depression
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Name two movies that John Steinback produced
The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men
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When was the first commercially released technicolour film released?
1932 - Flowers and Trees by walt disney
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Was the New Deal a success or failure for women?
A failure - 10,000 women were employed in the CCC out of the 2.5 million employed
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Was the New Deal a success of failure for the economy?
A failure - between 1937-38 the USA experienced a period of recession
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Was the New Deal a success or failure for unemployment?
A success - unemployment fell from a peak of 24.9 million to 14.3 million in 1933
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Was the New Deal a success or failure for Native Americans?
A success - the Indian Reorganisation Act 1934 provided money to help native Americans to buy and improve land
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What company started their business during WWII?
More than half a million new businesses started up during the war • Coca-Cola set up plants to follow the troops around the world (in the process, making Coca-Cola the most successful soft drink in the world)
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How did unemployment end?
The war effort ended unemployment
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How many worked in factories during WWII?
14 million
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In what year was the US producing almost half of the weapons made in the world?
By 1944
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How many women joined the armed forces during WWII?
Nearly 200,000 joined the armed forces in the Women’s Army Corps (WACs) or the navy’s Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Services (WAVES)
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How many African Americans joined or were conscripted into the armed forces?
Over 1 million
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What did the troops stationed in Britain 1943-1944 do?
They went to pubs and restaurants with white people and had white girlfriends
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Give 2 facts about the baby boom
In the 1950s about 4 million babies were born each year, each infant was thought to be work $800 to the producers of baby and child products, such as Johnston and pampers
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What was an income comparison with Americans/Europeans/Brits?
By the end of the 1940s the average American enjoyed an income 15 times greater than the average European and 3 times that of the average British person
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What was McCarthyism?
A movement in the US against communists in the 1950s, led by senator Joseph McCarthy
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What was a cause of the second Red Scare?
In 1949, China made an alliance with Russia and also converted to become a Communist country
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What was an event of the second Red Scare?
The US Congress created the House of Un-American Activities (HUAC) to investigate secret Communists
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What was a consequence of a second Red Scare?
The FBI was criticized for developing techniques, such as phone tapping, to spy on Communists. (listening to conversations)
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Name an example of racial prejudice
In 1958, an African-American teacher called Clemson King was committed to a mental asylum for applying to the University of Mississippi
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What was the Brown versus Topeka case about and what year did it take place?
The case was about an African-American girl called Linda Brown who had to travel several kilometres and cross a dangerous rail track to get to school, rather than attend a whites-only school nearby in 1954
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What was the outcome of the Brown versus Topeka case?
In May 1954 the supreme court announced in favour of Oliver Brown and the NAACP requiring desegregation in schools across the US
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What was the Little Rock Nine case and when did it take place?
Arkansas had still failed to integrate its schools so in 1957 the Supreme Court ordered the Governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus, to let 9 gifted African-American students attend a white high school in Little Rock
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What happened in the Little Rock Nine case?
On their enrolment day, the 3rd of September 1957, the Little Rock Nine were prevented from entering their school by Faubus, who was opposed to desegregation. Faubus ordered the National Guard (the Army Reserve) to block their entry
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What did President Eisenhower do in response?
Firstly, he 'federalised' the National Guard. Secondly, he deployed 1000 soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division to protect the Little Rock Nine for the rest of the school year
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What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott and when did it take place?
It was after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat and was arrested so 40,000 black workers in Montgomery and Alabama didn't take the bus for 381 days (1955-56)
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When did Kings' 'I have a dream' speech take place and how many people followed him?
1963 and 200,000 people, of all colours, followed him
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Give facts about a sit-in
In 1960 in Greensboro, North Carolina, SNCC students campaigned for desegregation in the restaurants in their town. Their local Woolworth’s allowed whites to sit while blacks had to stand while eating. 4 black students sat on white only stools
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What happened on the following day?
23 more students (making it 27) did the same. Then 66, until by the end of the week there were 400 students (white and black) in restaurants throughout the town. By 1970, restaurants were desegregated in 126 cities.
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What were 'freedom rides'?
In May 1961 CORE activists deliberately rode busses in Birmingham, Alabama, where the desegregation had not yet been enforced. The violence was bad, 200 activists were arrested and spent 40 days in jail
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What was the turning point where campaigning predominantly turned violent?
When, in 1966, an activist called James Meredith was injured by a gun man whilst peacefully protesting. Malcom X and the Black Power movement began
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Who was a predominant figure in the Nation of Islam?
Boxer Cassius Clay (who changed his name to Muhammad Ali)
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Who were the Black Panthers?
They had around 2,000 members and were a political party but also a small private army. They clashed many times with police forces, killing 9 police officers between 1967 and 1969
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Which was the most serious race riot?
Watts area of LA in August 1965 and in Detroit in July 1967. There were an estimated 30,000 rioters in this incident and 34 deaths
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What was an impact of Kennedy's New Frontier and when did it take place?
Kennedy increased the minimum wage from $1 to $1.25 and it was from 1960-63
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What was an impact of Johnson's Great Society and when did it take place?
He increased minimum wage to $1.40 and it was from 1964-68
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What did Johnston introduce in 1965?
Medicare and Medicaid: This provided medical insurance for the over-65s and hospital care for the poor (most Americans have private health insurance)
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Who was Betty Friedan and what did she stand for?
She set up The National Organisation for Women, 1966 and the publication of The Feminist Mystique told women to aim higher and that the home was 'a concentration camp' for women
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Give an example of the Women's Liberation Movement protest
Atlantic City 1968, a sheep had a crown on its head as there was a beauty pageant taking place, they were telling women not to be sheep nor take part in beauty pageants
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How many female politicians were there in congress
In 1985 there were only 24 female politicians in congress out of 535
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What was the situation with abortion
It was declared to be a fundamental right for women under the US Constitution, but with limitations after the first 3 months, or trimester
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What policy did the Republicans believe in?
Republicans believed in ‘laissez faire’: the government should do as little as possible to interfere in people’s everyday lives; businessmen should be free to make profits
Card 3
How many radios were bought on credit?

Card 4
How many cars were bought on credit?

Card 5
How many cars were made in 1900 compared to 1929?

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