All of population 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GeographyPopulation changeGCSEEdexcel Created by: Izzy MasonCreated on: 09-04-14 12:15 What is population distribution ? The way in which people are spread across an area 1 of 20 What is population density ? Average number of people per square kilometre 2 of 20 How do you calculate population density ? total population divided by total land area 3 of 20 What is the relationship between development (LEDC/MEDC) and population distribution There isn't e.g. Bangladesh and Japan are both densely populated 4 of 20 What physical factors encourage settlement ? Temperate climate, fertile/flat land, good supply of natural resources. 5 of 20 What physical factors discourage settlement ? Extreme climates (too hot/cold), too mountainous, dense vegetation 6 of 20 What social factors influence settlement ? Availability of jobs, high wages etc. 7 of 20 Give an example of a political factor that can discourage settlement Civil war, bad government etc. 8 of 20 What influences the population number Births, deaths and migration into or out of the area 9 of 20 What is a population pyramid used for ? Shows the structure of a population by comparing numbers of people in different age groups. 10 of 20 What is a demographic transition model used for ? Shows population change over time 11 of 20 How many stages does the demographic transition model have Five 12 of 20 Are these different for LEDC'S and MEDC'S ? Yes. The appearance of each graph will differ for a LECD and a MEDC. 13 of 20 What is birth rate ? Number of births per 1000 per year 14 of 20 What is death rate ? Number of deaths per 1000 per year 15 of 20 What is migration ? The movement of people in and out of an area 16 of 20 What is natural increase ? Birth rate minus death rate 17 of 20 When will a population decline ? When death rate is greater than birth rate 18 of 20 When will a population increase ? If birth rate is greater than death rate 19 of 20 What kind of population growth rate will a LEDC have ? Actually, it's high because birth rates tend to be the same as death rates. Also, improving health care means death rates fall while birth rates rise. 20 of 20
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