AQA Ks3 Science K/Ws revision
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- Created by: LimSungChan
- Created on: 02-08-19 21:56
How close data is to true values.
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Aerobic respiration
respiration that involves oxygen.
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Alkali metals
The group 1 family of metals, which all react quickly with water.
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Different forms of a gene, they can be recessive or dominant.
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Alveoli (singular alveolus)
Where gas exchange occurs in the lungs.
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Maximum displacement of a point on a wave from its undisturbed position.
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Anaerobic respiration
Respiration without using oxygen.
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length × width; units are squared.
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Pole in an electromagnet or moving iron part of a solenoid, such as an electric bell.
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Disease affecting the breathing system.
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The mixture of gases around the Earth.
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Basic 'building block' of an element that cannot be chemically broken down.
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Atomic number
Number of an element in the periodic table.
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Pull towards; a magnet will attract any magnetic material that is close enough.
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Balanced diet
Intake of foods that provide the correct nutrients in the correct proportions.
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Balanced forces
Forces on an object that act in opposite directions and are equal in size.
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Base (in biology)
Bases are joined together in pairs; these pairs are the components of DNA.
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When evidence, or the conclusion from evidence, is swayed towards a certain outcome
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Variety of different organisms in an area.
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Bond breaking
Overcoming the force of attraction between particles in a molecule. Energy is transferred during this process.
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Bond making
The force of attraction between particles coming together in a molecule. Energy is transferred out during the process.
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The process of moving air in and out of the lungs.
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Cereal grains are soaked in water and fermented with yeast.
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Bronchi are the main passageway into the lungs.There are two bronchi in the human body; each bronchus carries oxygen into and carbon dioxide out of a lung.They are part of the conducting zone of the respiratory system.
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The passageways in between the bronchi and alveoli- they allow air to pass into the alveolar sacs for gas exchange to occur.
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Upward force on an object in a liquid.
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Capillaries are the smallest of the body’s blood vessels. They are only one cell thick.
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Food group including starch and sugars.The body breaks down (or converts) most carbohydrates into the sugar glucose, which is absorbed into the bloodstream.
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Carbon cycle
The way in which carbon atoms pass between living organisms and their environment.
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Carbon sink
The ways of storing carbon so it isn't in the atmosphere are known as carbon sinks/carbon stores.
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Type of compound containing carbon and oxygen.
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Substance that alters the rate of a chemical reaction.
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Catalytic converter
A system that converts pollutant gases into harmless ones using a catalyst.
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Large sugar moleucle made by plants for its cell walls.
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An inorganic, non-metallic solid prepared by heating and then cooling substances such as clay.
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Chemical bond
The force of attraction between two atoms.
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Chemical digestion
Breakdown of food by enzymes in the digestive system.
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Chemical formula
Chemical symbols and numbers that show which elements, and how many atoms of each, a compound is made from.
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Chemical properties
The way that elements and compounds react with other chemicals and compounds.
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Chemical reaction
A process in which one or more substance are changed into others, by their atoms being rearranged.
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Green pigment in plants used in photosynthesis.
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In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure.
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Tiny hair-like structures that help to keep mucus and dust out of the lungs.
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Circuit beaker
Device that breaks a circuit when a current too high flows.
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An assertion that something is true without it yet being widely accepted.
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Reaction of fuels with oxygen that transfers thermal energy to the surroundings. A fuel, heat and enough oxygen is needed for complete combustion.
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Turns to show the direction of a magnetic field.
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Struggle between different organisms for survival.
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A material made from 2 or more different materials, each of these having very different properties.
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A squishing or pushing together force.
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Amount of something per unit volume- for example sugar in water.
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Transfer of thermal energy in certain solids by the movement of particles or electrical charge through conducting materials.
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Transfer of thermal energy by the vibration of particles.
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Conductor of heat
Material that allows thermal energy to be transferred through it easily.
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Part of a loudspeaker that pushes on the air to create a sound.
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When the quantity of something does not change after a process takes place.
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Contact (electrical)
Point at which a circuit is made, e.g. switch.
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Contact force
Force arising when objects are touching-e.g. friction.
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A variable for which you can select any value.
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Control variable
Factor kept constant in an investigation.
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The movement caused in a fluid when hotter(less dense) material rises, and colder (denser), material sinks under the influence of gravity, resulting in the transfer of thermal energy.
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Core(of electromagnet)
Piece of iron inside the coil of an electromagnet which makes the magnetic field stronger.
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How well sets of data are linked; high correlation shows that there is a strong link between two sets of data.
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The point on a wave that exhibits the maximum amount of positive or upward displacement from the original position.
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Waxy waterproof layer on the upper-side of a leaf.
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Lack of something.
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Deficiency disease
Illness caused by lack of a certain nutrient.
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Change of shape.
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Degrees Celsius
Degrees Celsius is a measure of temperature; pure water freezes at 0 degrees C and boils at 100.
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Mass of a material per unit volume.
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Dependent Variable
A dependent variable is the variable being tested and measured in a scientific experiment.
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Distance below the surface of a liquid.
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Muscular layer at the base of the chest cavity.
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Dietary Fiber
The indigestible portion of food derived from plants.
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Particle movement that causes particles in a liquid or gas to spread out evenly.
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Breakdown of food in order to obtain energy.
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Digestive System
Group of organs that together enable the digestion of food.
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A variable where only certain values are possible.
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When an object is put into water it displaces some of the water.
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A chemical reaction in which one substance takes the place of another in a compound.
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Deoxyribonucleic acid -the molecule in the nucleus of cells that carries genetic information.
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Dominant (in an allele)
Controls the characteristic whether there are one or two copies present.
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Double helix
The structure of the DNA molecule, like a twisted ladder.
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Loss of viability or value in a product as it is recycled.
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Resistant force of air or water.
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A habitat and all the living things in it.
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Chemical process that involves separating compounds using electricity.
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Type of temporary magnet that is magnetic only when an electric current passes through it.
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Substance made up of only one type of atom.
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When there are so few of a species left that it could disappear altogether and become extinct.
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Endothermic reaction
Chemical reaction in which thermal energy is transferred in.
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Something has energy if it has the ability to make something happen when that energy is transferred.
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Energy transfer
The quantity of energy transferred in a change which can be measured.
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Substance that enables a chemical process in the body.
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Single-cell thick transparent layer in the upper surface of a leaf.
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Equilibrium (chemistry)
A stable state, in which no change is occurring; (in ecology) balance between predators and prey in an environment.
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The change in a species over a long period of time.
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Term for a chemical reaction in which energy is given out,causing a warming of the surroundings.
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Exothermic reaction
Chemical reaction in which thermal energy is transferred into the surroundings.
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The process of a species dying out.
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Separating something from its previous location, possibly as a purification process,such as extracting a metal from its ore.
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A type of respiration in micro-organisms such as bacteria.
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Chemical put on soil to increase soil fertility and allow better growth for crop plants.
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Area of electrostatic force around an object charged with static electricity.
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A substance that will flow. Liquids are an obvious example and the term is sometimes assumed to be liquid, but, in fact, fluids include gases as well as liquid.
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Food group
Type of food, such as protein, is needed for certain body processes.
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push, pull, shear or turning effect; forces can be contact or non-contact.
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Fossil fuels
Coal, natural gas and crude oil are fossil fuels which are formed from the compressed remains of plants and other organisms that died millions of years ago.
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Frequency (waves)
Number of waves passing a set point, or emitted by a source, in a second.
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A force that opposes movement.
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Material that is burned for the purpose of generating heat.
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The male or female sex cell(sperm or egg.)
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A section of DNA that controls an inherited feature.
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Gene Bank
A store of genetic material (such as seeds) that can be used in the future to grow more organisms.
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Genetic diagram
Used to show the possible outcomes of a particular cross. A dominant allele is shown by a capital letter, and a recessive allele by a lower case letter.
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Global warming
Increase in the Earth's temperature due to increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
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A simple sugar molecule.
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Glucose molecule linked in a long chain; does not dissolve in water so can be stored in the body, especially in the liver.
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Greenhouse effect
The trapping of the Sun's infrared radiation by the Earth's atmosphere.
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Vertical column of elements in the periodic table.
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Gut bacteria
Bacteria which naturally live in the gut.
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A group of non-metal elements to the right of the periodic table, that includes chlorine; group 7.
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Something that can cause harm.
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The vertical distance from the ground to the top of an object (if it is stood on the ground) or to the object (if it is suspended above the ground).
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Hertz (Hz)
A unit of frequency (1 Hz = 1 wave per second)
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Idea that explains a set of facts or observations, and is the basis for possible experiments.
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Identical twins
Twins that are developed from a single egg and share the same genetic information.
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Independent variable
An independent variable is the variable that is changed or controlled in a scientific experiment to test the effects on the dependent variable.
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Inherited characteristics
A feature or characteristic that has been passed on genetically.
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Input force
The amount of effort put in.
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A substance that will reduce how quickly thermal energy is transferred (thermal insulator) or will resist the flow of current (electrical insulator).
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Electrical insulator
Does not allow a current to pass.
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A clock breaks time down into intervals of seconds, minutes, and hours. An interval is a distinct measure of time or the physical or temporal distance between two things.
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Orange-colored liquid used to test for starch.
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The number and appearance of the chromosomes in a cell nucleus.
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The joule is the standard unit of energy in electronics and general scientific applications. One joule is defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter.
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Kilojoule (kj)
1000 jules.
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Lactic acid
Substance produced during anaerobic respiration; builds up in muscles during vigorous exercise and causes an aching or burning feeling in the muscles.
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A site where rubbish or waste is dumped.
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Large intestine
The portion of the intestine that extends from the ileum to the anus.
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Simple machine that uses the turning effect of a force about a pivot.
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An extreme value; going beyond the limit may cause a pattern or relationship between factors to break down.
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Linear relationship
A relationship between two variables such that changing the independent variable causes the same change in the dependent variable; e.g. doubling the the first causes the second to double.
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Fat and oils; large molecules made from smaller units of fatty acids and glycerol.
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Longitudinal wave
A wave in which the oscillation is parallel to the direction of energy transfer.
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Apparatus that converts electrical impulses into sound.
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Lung volume/vital capacity
The amount of air that you can breathe out following a big breath in.
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Apparatus using mechanical power.
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Magnetic field
Space in which a magnetic material feels a force.
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Health condition caused by insufficient intake of nutrients.
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Waste organic material.
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Mass extinction
The extinction of a large number of species at the same time.
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Material through which something, such as sound, travels.
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Melting point
Temperature at which solid changes state to a liquid.
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Shiny, good conductor of electricity and heat, malleable and ductile, and usually solid at room temperature.
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Tiny organism that cannot be seen with the naked eye; includes bacteria, viruses and fungi.
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Device for changing sound into an electrical signal.
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Chemicals from which rocks are made.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
respiration that involves oxygen.
Aerobic respiration
Card 3
The group 1 family of metals, which all react quickly with water.

Card 4
Different forms of a gene, they can be recessive or dominant.

Card 5
Where gas exchange occurs in the lungs.

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