Alexander II 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia - 19th and 20th centuryA2/A-levelAQA Created by: charrington1Created on: 06-03-17 13:52 When was the end of the Crimean War? 1856 1 of 13 When was the censorship reform? 1858 2 of 13 When did the censorship reform last until? 1870 3 of 13 When was the Emancipation Act? 1861 4 of 13 When was the judicial reforms? 1864 5 of 13 When was the Zemstva formed? 1864 6 of 13 When were state serfs officially given freedom? 1866 7 of 13 When was the first assassination attempt on Alexander II? 1866 8 of 13 When were the military reforms? 1874 9 of 13 What percentage of surplus could peasants only reach by 1878? 50 10 of 13 In what year were there two assassination attempts on the Tsar? 1879 11 of 13 When was the final assassination attempt on Alexander II? 1880 12 of 13 What percentage of people were still in temporary obligation by 1881? 15 13 of 13
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