Ran Tuskegee institute as though AA should establish status through 'bettering themselves through education'. Criticised for lack of activism but secretly funded civil rights groups.
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Ida B Wells 1884-1931
Sued railroad company, public opposition to lynching and also an advocate for woman's rights.
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WEB Du Bois 1903-63
Founded NAACP. Criticised due to involvement with whites & failure to relate to working class AA.
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Marcus Garvey 1917-25
Founded UNIA - Black people should be separate from white people with the ultimate goal a move back to Africa (Pan Africanism) which many saw as impractical. Lost many supporters due to corruption & supremacist nature
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Martin Luther King 1954-68
Peaceful/non violent methods through marches/boycotts/sit-ins. Main initial aim political freedom and equality. Changed to address social and economic issues after criticism - some of which came from Malcom X.
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Malcom X 1960-65
Member of Nation of Islam - wrote in their magazine. Pushed idea of Black superiority and would turn to violence which alienated some potential support. Mainly addressed social/political issues but like MLK changed his views.
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Card 2
Sued railroad company, public opposition to lynching and also an advocate for woman's rights.
Ida B Wells 1884-1931
Card 3
Founded NAACP. Criticised due to involvement with whites & failure to relate to working class AA.
Card 4
Founded UNIA - Black people should be separate from white people with the ultimate goal a move back to Africa (Pan Africanism) which many saw as impractical. Lost many supporters due to corruption & supremacist nature
Card 5
Peaceful/non violent methods through marches/boycotts/sit-ins. Main initial aim political freedom and equality. Changed to address social and economic issues after criticism - some of which came from Malcom X.
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