Storm and Refuge- Aeolus creates a storm, Neptune calms the sea. Trojans arrive at Carthage
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Book 2
Fall of Troy- Aeneas recounts the fight and his escape
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Book 3
Wanderings- Meets the harpies and Anchises dies.
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Book 4
Fate of Queen Dido- The couple get 'married' however, Aeneas leaves and Dido kills herself.
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Book 5
Sicily- Funeral Games for Anchises
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Book 6
Underworld- Meets the Sibyl at Cumae. Goes to the underworld and meets Anchises
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Book 7
Arrival in Latinum and Outbreak of War- Aeneas lands in Latium. Latinus promises Lavinia. Juno and Allecto stir up war.
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Book 8
Visit to Pallanteum, the Site of Future Rome- Aeneas secures the help of Evander and the Etruscans. Story of Hercules and Cacus. Armor from Vulcan.
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Book 9
Nisus and Euryalus- Turnus attacks the Trojan camp. Nisus and Euryalus. The camp is hard pressed.
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Book 10
The First Battle- Council of gods. Turnus kills Pallas. Juno saves Turnus from raging Aeneas. Aeneas kills Mezentius.
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Book 11
Camilla- Burial of Pallas. Diomedes' refusal. Council: Drances abuses Turnus. The Trojans attack. Death of Camilla.
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Book 12
Final Battle and Duel of Aeneas and Turnus- Single combat arranged, but treachery provokes a general engagement. Trojans attack the city. In single combat, Aeneas kills Turnus.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Fall of Troy- Aeneas recounts the fight and his escape
Book 2
Card 3
Wanderings- Meets the harpies and Anchises dies.
Card 4
Fate of Queen Dido- The couple get 'married' however, Aeneas leaves and Dido kills herself.
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