Techniques aimed at controlling a persons level of stress
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Workplace Stress
Harmful physical and emotional responses when there is a conflict between job demands
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Ways to reduce stress
Job design, targets, job placement, career development, performance management, counselling, management training
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Why employers should be concerned of stress management
Duty of care, employee morale, reduced staff turnover, absenteeism, sickness
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Lawler (2003)
"Treat people right"
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Carless Worker Model
Employees fail to take safety seriously
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Shared Responsbility Model
Coopoeration of both employees and employers
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Wellness Model
Holistic approach taken by top management to enhance overal well-being in the workplace
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Performance Management
Ongoinfg process of communication between manager and subordinate to support accomplishment of objectives. Strategic link between HRM and organisation perfromance. Key role in effective management. Links all levels of an organisation through goals.
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Goal Theory (Latham and Locke, 1979)
Connects goals to performance outcomes - direct attention to priorities, stimulate effort, challenge people to use knowledge and skills, more challenging the goal the more people use their skills.
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Control Theory
Attention to feedback as a means of shaping behaviour, feedback is crucial in perfromance management.
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Work Performance
Principal dimensions of a persons work can be defined precisely in performance terms, allowing measurement over agreed periods of time that also takes account of constraints.
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New Managerialism - Best Value Framework 1997
Customer focused performance management, strategic objectives, cost and efficiency, service delivery outcomes, qualiy, fair access
Recieve confidential feedback from the people who work around them
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Oversees an organisation, allocates people time and resources, sets objectives, control plan and forecast, meet organisational goals, decision making, communication
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Supports and inspires, types of leaders - autocratic, democratic, laissez faire, motivate and direct
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Managament Standards Centre 2004
Provide direction, facilitate change, achieve results, meeting customer needs, working with people. use resources, manage self and personal skills
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Hales 1986
Get things done, visionary leadership, understand the business and its key drivers
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Tamkin et al 2003
Empower and develop, manage people and perfromance, develop relationships, work across boundaries
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Burns 1978
Transactional leadership
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Bass 1985
Transformational leadership
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Weber 1947
Charismatic leadership
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Hersey and Blanchard 1969
Situational leadership
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John Adair 1973
Task needs, individual needs, group maintenance needs
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Hay Mcber 2000
Coercive - demands immediate compliance, Authoriative - mobilizes people towards vision, Affiliative - creates harmony and builds emotional bonds, Democratic - forges consensus through participation, Pacesetting - Standards for perfromance, Coaching
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Hersey and Blanchard 1998
Management consits of leadrrship applied to business situations
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Bennis 1989
administer vs innovate, how and when vs what and why, systems vs people. do things right vs do the right things, maintain vs develop, control vs inspiring trust
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Theory Z (Ouchi)
Strong culture, long-term development and employment, consensus in decisions, generalist employees, concern for well-being, infromal control with formalized measures, individual responsibility
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The Scientific Method (Taylor)
Measuring and monitoring, specialisation, automation, mechanisation, low view of worker involvement, performance pay, money as a motivator
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The Bureaucratic Model (Weber)
Hierachy, specialised roles, careerism, salary scales, progression, recruitment on merits, expert power
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XY Theory (McGregor)
Theory X - lazy like, avoid responsibility,Theory Y - takes resposibility, motivates
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Fombrun Tichy and Devanna
INCOMPLETE MODEL - selection, appraisal, development, rewards
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