additional science aqa key words V,W,X 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ScienceGCSEAQA Created by: SamCreated on: 17-03-13 23:13 Valid Suitability of the investigative procedure to answer the question being asked 1 of 11 Variable - dependent The variable for which the value is measured for each and every change in the independent variable 2 of 11 Variable independent The variable for which values are changed or selected by the investigator 3 of 11 Variable Physical, chemical or biological quantity or charateristic 4 of 11 Variegated Having different colours e.g a green and white leaf 5 of 11 Velocity Speed in a given direction (m/s) 6 of 11 Volt (V) The unit of potential difference, equal to energy transfer per unit charge in joules per coulomb 7 of 11 Weight The force of gravity on an object (N) 8 of 11 White dwarf A star that has collapsed from the red giant stage to become much hotter and denser than it was 9 of 11 Work Energy transferred by a force, given by: work done (J) = force (N) x distance moved in the direction of force (m) 10 of 11 Xylem tissue The non-living transport tissue in plants that transports water around the plant 11 of 11
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