Disorder where an individual consumes a substance such as nicotine or a behaviour such as gambling which is pleasurable but becomes compulsive with harmful consequences
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What are the key features of an addiction?
Dependence, Tolerance and Withdrawal syndrome
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What is meant by psychological dependence in relation to addiction?
Cannot cope with work and social life without the drug/ behaviour. Absence = anxious/ irritable and leads to craving
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What is meant by the term physical dependence in relation to addiction?
Where individual experiences withdrawal syndrome when theyre without a substance/ behaviour. The dependence is produced when the substance/ bhvr is stopped
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What does the term tolerance mean?
When a response to a substance is reduced due to repeated previous exposure
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the key features of an addiction?
Dependence, Tolerance and Withdrawal syndrome
Card 3
What is meant by psychological dependence in relation to addiction?
Card 4
What is meant by the term physical dependence in relation to addiction?
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