Addiction: Individual explanation 1

  • Created by: RihanaB
  • Created on: 06-04-17 20:26
What is the Individual explanation 1?
Eysenck theory of personality
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Quick Question: what are the 3 personalities linked to addiction
Extroversion, Psychotism and Neuroticism
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Linking these traits to addiction
An addiction develops as it fulfills the persons needs based on their personality trait. On a personality test, addicts scored high P+N, therefore addicts have high levels of Psychotism and Neuroticism
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Psychoticism and Neuroticsm
Addicts with high Psychoticism act impulsively wihtout thinking of consequences. Impulsiveness ia cause and effect of drug abuse and can cause people to drop out of treatment/ therapy
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Neuroticism and Self Medication
Neurotic people use addiction as self medication to deal with stress or their worries as stress can cause addiction or relapse. They also have low self esteem so use addiction to avoid neg thoughts
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Quick Question: what are the 3 personalities linked to addiction


Extroversion, Psychotism and Neuroticism

Card 3


Linking these traits to addiction


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Psychoticism and Neuroticsm


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Neuroticism and Self Medication


Preview of the front of card 5


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