Active Leisure and Recreation
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- Created by: Hadjianastasi
- Created on: 17-05-17 14:32
Four Requirements for Participation in Active Leisure and Recreation
Fitness, Ability, Resources, Time.
1 of 31
Define Mass Participation
The opportunity for everyone to take part in grass root level sport/recreational sport, regardless of gender, age, ability or socio-economic background by breaking down barriers that prevent participation. Ideal rather than a reality.
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Define Contempory Concern
Issues that are relevant at the current time. For example, obesity, coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesteral.
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Define Sedentary Lifestyle
A lifestyle that is (predominantly) not physically active.
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Define Active Leisure
Use of spare time to complete physical activity.
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Define Recreation
Activity done for enjoyement when one is not working/ in their leisure time.
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Name constraints on people's ability to take part in Physical Activity
Oportunity, Provision, Esteem, Time, Resources, Fitness, Ability.
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Define Opportunity
The chance to take part. A lack of money, access, resources can all contribute in denying people the opportunity to take part.
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Define Provision
Refers to whether or not the facilities that you require are available and accessibe. For example, a lack of facilities in rural areas can restrict physical activity.
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Define Esteem
How you might regard your self and/or how you are regarded by others. For example "black people cannot swim".
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Define Time/Leisure Time
Time away from compulsary activities such as wokring, sleeping, eating. For example a single wokring parent may lack time.
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Define Resources
Refers to the physical equipment requited to take part in physical activity. Some activities require more than others such as ice hockey compared to running. People from low socio-economic groups are more likely to lack resources.
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Define Fitness
Being able to meet the demands of the sporting enviroment. Lack of fitness may be perceived as a justification to not take part.
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Define Ability
A lack of experience or requisite skills can lead to people feeling unable to take part in physical activity.
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Identify Contempory Concerns
CHD, High Cholesteral, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, A sedentary Lifestyle, Stress, Aging Population, Access.
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Name Initiatives used to promote Recreational Sport
Promotion of Lifetime sports (golf, tennis, cycling), Programming of specific times, Consessions (i.e. free swimming for certain ages), Taster days.
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Describe Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
It is the result of accumulation of plaques & fatty deposits withing the walls of arteries that supply the myocarduium. Consequently, these blood vessels become restricted. Results to increased blood pressure & reduced elasticity of the arterian wall
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Causes of Coronary Heart Disease (linked to Contempory Concern $ Sedentary Lifestyle)
Over eating, Lack of activity, Too much bad fat in diet, Smoking/alchohol consumption, Can be inherited.
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Define Hypokinetic Disorder
A disorder that is partly or totally attributed to a lack of physical activity.
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Causes of High Cholesterol
Associated with high levels of LDL (not HDL), Lack of physical activity, Poor diet - high in salt, saturated fats, hereditary, Being overweight, smoking and alchohol consumption.
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Define High Blood Pressure
It is when your systolic and diastolic readings are above 140/90 (normal blood pressure is lower than 120/80). Can lead to a risk of heart attack, angina, stroke, kidney failure and PAD.
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Causes of High Blood Pressure
Being over fat/obese, lack of activity, oor diet, smoking/alchohol consumption, stress.
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Define Diabetes
It is a disease that is characterised by the inability of the body to make sufficient insulin or alternatively the resistance of the body to insulin. Therefore cannot prevent hyperglycemia, (Can be type I or typeII). Can lead to retinal damage,
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Causes of Diabetes
Can be inherited, lack of activity, poor diet - too much sugar, illness can bring it on, overweight.
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Define Obesity
This refers to the degree of body fat over and above the accepted gender norm. It has to be over 25% of the norm to be classed as obese (BMI of 30 or greater). Can lead to CHD, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer.
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Causes of Obesity
Calorific income exceeds calorific expenditure, increased in sedentary lifestyle, high fat/sugar/alchohol consumption.
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Causes of Stress
Increase work pressure and expectations, poor diets increasing health concerns, increase in sedentary lifestyle - provides less opportunity to relieve stress.
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Define Metabolic Syndrome
It is a combination of medical disorders that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Medabolic risk factors include: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, insuline resistant or glucose intolorant.
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Define Access
It covers both opportunity and provision.
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Cultural factors that provide a barrier for becoming involved in sport
Gender, social Class (low socio economic groups), ability/disability, age, thnicity/race/religion.
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Why is a sedentary lifestyle a contemporary concern
Society is becoming increasingly sedentary, increases the risk of illnesses/hypokinetic disorders (effects social and mental wellbeing of society), more likely to have poor diets, increase NHS costs - premature deaths.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Define Mass Participation
The opportunity for everyone to take part in grass root level sport/recreational sport, regardless of gender, age, ability or socio-economic background by breaking down barriers that prevent participation. Ideal rather than a reality.
Card 3
Define Contempory Concern

Card 4
Define Sedentary Lifestyle

Card 5
Define Active Leisure

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