Accusative and Dative- German 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GermanGrammar and vocabularyGCSENone Created by: Zammi10Created on: 07-05-13 21:26 Dative: Dative 1 of 26 Masculine (der/ein) dem/einem 2 of 26 Female (die/eine) der/einer 3 of 26 Neuter (das/ein) dem/einen 4 of 26 Plural den/meinen 5 of 26 Accusative: Accusative 6 of 26 Masculine den/einen 7 of 26 Femanine die/eine 8 of 26 Neuter das/ein 9 of 26 Plural die/meine 10 of 26 Nominative Nominitive 11 of 26 Masculine der/ein 12 of 26 Femanine die/eine 13 of 26 Neutral das/ein 14 of 26 Plural die/meine 15 of 26 Prepositions are with the what case? Dative 16 of 26 Der Supermarkt is neben _____ Restaurant (das) dem 17 of 26 Der Supermarkt is swischen _____ Apotheke (die) und ______ Backerei (die) der und der 18 of 26 Die post is vor ______ Backerei (die) der 19 of 26 Das post ist neben _______ Restaurant dem 20 of 26 SUBJECTS are in the DATIVE in the dative 21 of 26 To find the subject, ask yourself who or what. Eg Mary has a brother. Who has a brother? Mary so she is the subject: Dative 22 of 26 Paul is buying a book. What is the subject?? Paul 23 of 26 OBJECTS are in the ACCUSATIVE Accusative 24 of 26 eg, Paul is buying a book. Buying what? the book so it's the object. Object 25 of 26 A modal sentence- Hannah kauft einenlk Jacke. what is the object and subject?? Subject is Hannah and the object is the Jacke. 26 of 26
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