A.C. 4.2 Environmental Health Officers 0.0 / 5 ? HospitalityEnvironmental Health OfficerGCSEWJEC Created by: MKY2019Created on: 12-02-20 22:33 Environmental Health Officers are employed by... Local Authorities 1 of 9 Food poisoning should always be reported. Yes, it is classed as a notifable illness. 2 of 9 A food safety management system is also known as... HACCP 3 of 9 An Emergency Hygiene Prohibition Notice is... when an EHO closes a food premises displaying evidence of a high risk of food poisoning 4 of 9 What evidence can an EHO collect to prove Food Saftey Laws have been broken? Photos, food samples, temperature readings, inspection notes. 5 of 9 Is one complaint from a member of the public enough for an EHO to carry out an inspection? Yes 6 of 9 Do EHO's offer training advice for staff during an inspection? Yes 7 of 9 If an EHO see's a mouse trap during an inspection they would close the premises immediately. False, this is evidence of pest prevention/pest control. 8 of 9 EHO's will clean premises when they inspect them. No 9 of 9
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