About A Boy Ellie Quotes 3.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? English LiteratureAbout a BoyGCSEWJEC Created by: hope falconerCreated on: 13-05-13 13:51 everyone knew ellie and she often got in trouble ‘Ellie was famous. She was always in trouble for something’ 1 of 8 ellie feels like everyone knows her name ‘how come every squitty little ****** snotty ******* knows my name?’ 2 of 8 ellie doesnt know everything ‘you think I know things but I don’t’ 3 of 8 ellie's description ‘sulky scruffy girl who hacked off her own hair and wore black lipstick’ 4 of 8 ellie responds to people with violence ‘if you’re being cheeky, you’ll get a slap’ 5 of 8 ellie comments on things that she doesnt know about ‘why shouldn’t she kill herself’ ‘its her life’ 6 of 8 ellie's mum snogs that guy at new years every year ‘they do this every year’ 7 of 8 ellie calls her mum names when she finds her at the new years eve party ‘a total cretin’ ‘pathetic’ ‘sad old tart’ ‘disgusting’ 8 of 8
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