About A Boy - Characters Description with quote 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureAbout a BoyGCSEWJEC Created by: y12mcnelkCreated on: 19-03-16 14:20 Can't understand his mum's crying 'He didn't understand why she did it' 1 of 31 Marcus thinks everything he does is wrong 'The wrong shoes or the wrong trousers, and his haircut was wrong' 2 of 31 The Dead Duck Day was always on his mind 'What he felt, all the time, every single day, was a horrible fear' 3 of 31 Lonely 'He had nowhere else to go' 4 of 31 Marcus wants a dad 'I need a father' 5 of 31 Marcus is insensitive 'Have you split up now?' 6 of 31 Keeps positive 'He thought he ought to say something optomistic' 7 of 31 Marcus is scared of school 'That first terrible, horrible, frightening day' 8 of 31 School and Marcus isn't a good combination 'He just wasn't right for school' 9 of 31 Has no friends 'Marcus we son't want you hanging around with us anymore' 10 of 31 Marcus is bullied because of his upbringing 'No wonder he was a weirdo' 11 of 31 Clever 'Are you getting these questions out if a book?' 12 of 31 Bullying 'Marcus turned up at Will's door, tearful' 13 of 31 Is changing 'He was merely stopping off on this planet' 14 of 31 Is cool 'He was dry ice!' AND 'Sub-zero' 15 of 31 Is deceptive 'I'm a single father' 16 of 31 Starts to care about Marcus 'Will found himself working Marcus' visits into the fabric of his day' 17 of 31 Feelings on the Dead Duck Day (doesn't care about Marcus or Fiona) 'Absorbed almost to the point of enjoyment' 18 of 31 His personality 'Shallow' 19 of 31 Sarcastic 'Are you incapable of conducting a conversation without sarcasm?' 20 of 31 Depressed 'When she wasn't crying over the breakfast cereal, she was laughing about killing herself' 21 of 31 Weird 'What planet did this women live on?' 22 of 31 Blames her illness for not looking after Marcus 'I'm depresses. It's an illness' 23 of 31 Bad parent 'I haven't been a good mother to him' 24 of 31 Thinks Marcus would be better with his dad 'We're not doing each other any good' 25 of 31 Opinion on Marcus 'Marcus is doing fine.. there's nothing wrong with him' 26 of 31 Wants the old Marcus back 'I feel as if I'm losing him' 27 of 31 Opinion on suicide 'She was laughing about killing herself' 28 of 31 Becoming more thoughtful 'Will reflected later' 29 of 31 Can't help Marcus anymore 'Will knew Marcus would be OK' 30 of 31 Fiona wants Marcus to be like her 'A product of his mother' 31 of 31
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