a&p 0.0 / 5 ? Nursingdigestive systemUniversityNone Created by: revisingxoCreated on: 15-10-19 21:41 The digestive juice product containing enzymes capable of digesting all three major food categories is pancreatic 1 of 9 The products of protein digestion enter the blood stream largely through the cells lining the; small intestine 2 of 9 the gall bladder stores and concentrates bile 3 of 9 Carbohydrates are acted on by; amylase, maltase and sucrase 4 of 9 The vitamin associated with calcium absorption is vit D 5 of 9 The sphincter between the stomach and the duodenum is; the pyloric sphincter 6 of 9 Within the abdominal cavity the outer layer of the digestive tract is composed of; serosa 7 of 9 The parasympathetic nervous system influences digestion by stimulating peristalsis and secretory activity 8 of 9 Chemical digestion is completed in the; small intestine 9 of 9
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