AA people 0.0 / 5 ? Historycivil rights usa 1865-1992A2/A-levelNone Created by: assignmentsCreated on: 22-05-22 11:24 AA lawyer, sup court 67-91 thurgood marshal 1 of 10 tuskagee institute, worked w whites, unofficial pres advisor, but seen as accepting white supremacy booker t washington 2 of 10 joined niagara movement, lacked money & organisation, director of naacp 1910 web du bois 3 of 10 joined movements, used media, marches, arrested 29 times mlk 4 of 10 bad man bull connor 5 of 10 universal ***** improvement association, huge support, lacked political goals marcus garvey 6 of 10 influenced by bois, march on washington 1963 philip randolph 7 of 10 violent, black power movement, became peaceful malcolm x 8 of 10 against lynching ida b wells 9 of 10 murdered, media coverage emmet till 10 of 10
Should the Gilded Age simply be seen as a period of reaction and lack of progress in African American civil rights? (OCR interpretation question) 0.0 / 5
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