A3 Key Terms Functional Areas and Communitcation 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesKEY TERMSGCSENone Created by: jordan parkesCreated on: 23-03-16 18:56 Human Resources Employ staff, pay staff, fire staff and look after them. 1 of 11 Production/operations Produce the product and deliever it. 2 of 11 Administration Organise the business and deal with celerical work. e.g letters. 3 of 11 Finance Monitor money coming in and going ouyt, calcuate profits, 4 of 11 Customer Service Look after customers, deal with complaints or refunds. 5 of 11 IT Look after the computer hardware and software, websites. 6 of 11 Research and Development Research improvements on existing products or develop new products. 7 of 11 Give four methods of communication Letter, email, face to face, telephone, fac, noticeboard. 8 of 11 Explain the difference between internal and external communication Internal is communication within the business and external is communication with somebody who doesnt work within the business. 9 of 11 Explain the difference between formal and informal communciations Formal communication is professional between colleagues and informal is social communicarton with friends. 10 of 11 Give four barriers to communication Cannot hear, internet goes down, lost in post, accent. 11 of 11
OCR GCSE Sociology Start, Methodology, Education, Family and Crime & Deviance 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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