The activation or energisation of goal-oriented behaviour – a drive to complete a given task
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Self Confidence
General term, based on the belief that one can succeed
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Self confidence in a specific situation (Bandura)
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A natural reaction to threat in the environment – part of our preparation for flight or fight
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Cognitive Anxiety
– worry and negative feelings about your own performance, Psychological
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Somatic Anxiety
physiological symptoms such as raised heart rate, increased perspiration and shortness of breath
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State Anxiety
situation specific and can be linked to a particular role (penalty taking), place, or level of competition
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Trait Anxiety
This is a general and enduring feeling of apprehension
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Achievement Motivation
A fundamental drive to succeed or persist with a task’
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Achievement Motivation: NACH
Intrinsically motivated, Completes tasks quickly and efficiently, Often extrovert,Takes personal responsibility for actions, Likes feedback
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Achievement Motivation: NAF
Gives up easily, Will take too much time on a task, Often introvert, Takes the easy route, wants to be sure of success, Dislikes feedback
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Developing High Achievement Motivation
• Raising self efficacy • Use of rewards or reinforcement • Promote intrinsic motivation • Show successful, attainable role models • Control arousal (relaxation) • Attribute success internally and failure externally
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Stress arises when there is an imbalance between the persons perception of the demand and their ability to meet the demand
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Performance impaired through an increase in anxiety and negative thoughts (choking)
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Performance enhanced through increased motivation and energy
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Intent to harm outside the rules of the game
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Forceful behaviour within the rules of the game
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Social Learning Theory
- (Bandura 1969) what we are born with is over ridden by our culture, we learn from watching and copying others behaviour
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Frustration/Aggression Hypothesis
- The more frustrated you become, the more aggressive you become - if need or goal is blocked, can lead to frustration then aggressive results - no consequence to aggression can lead to more aggressive behaviour
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Attribution Theory
Internal Stable – Used after a win, Internal Unstable – Used after both a win and a loss, External Stable – Used after failure, External Unstable – Used after failure
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Social Facilitation
The influence of the presence of others on performance, which may be positive or negative
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Evaluation Apprehension
- Cottrell (1972) disputes the model of drive theory, stating that it isn’t the mere presence of an audience that causes arousal, but the fact that the audience may be perceived as evaluating the performance.
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Group Cohesion
Task Cohesion – the degree to which members of a group work together to achieve common goals Social Cohesion – reflects the degree to which members of a team like each other and interact accordingly
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Building Group Cohesion
Forming – group meets or is assembled Storming – tension as roles are defined Norming – rules and standards agreed Performing – group works and matures together
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Factors Affecting Development Of Group Cohesion
- Environmental factors - Personal factors - Leadership factors - Team factors
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
General term, based on the belief that one can succeed
Self Confidence
Card 3
Self confidence in a specific situation (Bandura)
Card 4
A natural reaction to threat in the environment – part of our preparation for flight or fight
Card 5
– worry and negative feelings about your own performance, Psychological
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