On being sane in insane places (Rosenhan, 1973) & gender differences in the course of schizophrenia (Goldstein, 1988) & Increased prevalence of bulimia nervosa among Asian schoolgirls (Mumford and Whitehouse, 1988)
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Clinical evidence in practice
A leaflet on understanding schizophrenia
7 of 27
Contributions of the social approach
Reducing prejudice and understanding obedience
8 of 27
Contributions of the cognitive approach
The cognitive interview and Cognitive behavioural therapy
9 of 27
Contributions of the psychodynamic approach
Success of psychoanalysis and understanding gender
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Contributions of the biological approach
PET scanning evidence and understanding gender
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Contributions of the learning apprach
Token economy and Systematic desensitisation
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Contributions of criminological psychology (application)
Offender profiling
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Contributions of child psychology (application)
Understanding daycare
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Contributions of clinical psychology (application)
Understanding schizophrenia
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Ethical guidelines when using humans
Informed consent, deceit, right to withdraw, debrief, competence
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Ethical principles when using animals
cost-benefit consideration, suitably qualified researchers, using non-animal procedures if possible, keeping discomfort to a minimum and using suitably equipped premises.
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Research methods
Experiments, observations, questionnaires, interviews, content analysis, correlation, case study.
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Social approach key issue
The massacre at My Lai, Vietnam
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Cognitive approach key issue
The unreliability of eyewitness testimony
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Psychodynamic approach key issue
False memories and psychoanalysis
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Biological approach key issue
Is Autism an extreme male brain condition?
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Learning approach key issue
Is anorexia caused by role models?
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Criminological approach key issue
How successful is offender profiling?
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Child psychology key issue
Does daycare help a child's development?
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Focusing on their own culture & seeing their own culture ways as the right ways - type of bias.
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Is psychology a science?
Biological, clinical, cognitive and learning are more scientific - look at genes, brain, hormones, neurones and schizophrenia - write hypothesis, empirical testing, controlling variables to avoid bias
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