A2 Chemistry OCR Rings, Acids and Amines ' 3.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? ChemistryAcids, bases and saltsAmines and azo dyesA2/A-levelOCR Created by: NatashaCreated on: 13-04-12 12:58 In the reduction of carbonyl compounds the common reducing agent [H] is... Sodium tetrahydridoborate NaBH4 1 of 10 A pheno is a weak acid true or false? True 2 of 10 Halogenation is an example of homolytic fission true or false? False 3 of 10 In the oxidation of carbonyl compounds what would you see if the reagent was an aldehyde? a silver mirror formed 4 of 10 Fill in the gap: Acid anhydride + Alchol = Ester + ................ Carboxlic Acid 5 of 10 True or False, in the delocalised model each carbon bond is the same length? True 6 of 10 Can ketones by oxidised? No 7 of 10 What is a secondary alcohol oxidised to? Ketone 8 of 10 When biodiesel is made why in methanol sometimes used in excess? To drive the equillibrium to the right 9 of 10 Fill in the gap: (Substitution of halogenoalkanes) Halogenoalkane + NH3 = ............ + Hydrogen halide Amine 10 of 10