A lean production technique which aims to improve efficiency by making small but frequent improvements, also known as continual improvements.
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Time-based management
Managing resources effectively to ensure products are fit for market in the shortest time possible.
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Critical path analysis (CPA)
A technique for planning complex projects to allow the to be completed in the shortest time possible by identifying activities that can be carried out simultaneously.
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Critical path network
A visual representation of the sequencing and timing of all the activities involved in completing a complex project.
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Lean production
The adoption of techniques that help to reduce waste.
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Just-in-time (JIT)
A lean production technique which aims to minimise stock holdings.
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Earliest start time (EST)
The earliest time an activity can start in a project based upon the completion of a preceding activity.
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Latest finish time (LFT)
The latest time an activity must be completed by to avoid any delay to the project.
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Critical path
The route which outlines all those activities that cannot be delayed, i.e. have zero float time, if the project is to be completed on time.
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Critical activities
Those activities with zero float time, i.e. if it takes four weeks to complete, there is only four weeks between the EST and LFT.
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Float time
The amount of time by which a non-critical activity could be delayed without having an effect on the whole project.
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Non-critical activities
Those activities with float time, i.e. if it takes four weeks to complete, there may be six weeks between the EST and LFT.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Managing resources effectively to ensure products are fit for market in the shortest time possible.
Time-based management
Card 3
A technique for planning complex projects to allow the to be completed in the shortest time possible by identifying activities that can be carried out simultaneously.
Card 4
A visual representation of the sequencing and timing of all the activities involved in completing a complex project.
Card 5
The adoption of techniques that help to reduce waste.
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