A Study in British History Timeline 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryBritain and the Industrial RevolutionGCSEOCR Created by: lucybarberCreated on: 30-03-16 19:06 What happened in 1760? The industrial revolution begins. 1 of 21 What happened in 1831-32? Cholera outbreak in London- kills approx. 8000. 2 of 21 What happened in 1832? Investigation into the poor laws. 3 of 21 What happened in 1834? Poor Law Amendment Act. 4 of 21 What happened in 1842? Edwin Chadwick publishes Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population of Great Britain. 5 of 21 What two things happened in 1848? Cholera epidemic kills approx. 12000 and Public Health Act. 6 of 21 What happened in 1854? Broad Street Cholera outbreak. 7 of 21 What happened in 1855? Dr John Snow diagnoses the waterborne nature of cholera. 8 of 21 What happened in 1858? The Great Stink. 9 of 21 What happened in 1866? Cholera epidemic in London. 10 of 21 What happened in 1867? Reform Act- working class men got the vote. 11 of 21 What three things happened in 1875? Pubic Health Act, Artisan and Labour Dwellings Improvement Act and Joseph Chamberlain orchestrates slum clearance in Birmingham. 12 of 21 What happened in 1889? Charles Booth published Labour and Life of the People. 13 of 21 What two things happened in 1899? Seebohm Rowntree publishes Poverty, a Study of Town Life and the Boer War recruits rejected en masse due to poor physical health. 14 of 21 What happened in 1906? Free School Meals Act. 15 of 21 What happened in 1907? School medical inspections begin. 16 of 21 What happened in 1908? Old Age Pensions Act. 17 of 21 What happened in 1909? Labour exchanges. 18 of 21 What happened in 1910? Lloyd George's 'People Budget' is passed. 19 of 21 What happened in 191-12? National Insurance Act. 20 of 21 What happened in 1914? The First World War begins. 21 of 21
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