A-Level History - Civil Rights in the USA (Native Americans) 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryAmerica - 19th and 20th centuryA2/A-levelOCR Created by: KatieLouiseUCreated on: 09-02-21 19:56 What was the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887? It divided reservations into allotments, which were given to Native Americans, turning them into landowners and citizens 1 of 10 What did Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock of 1903 do? It upheld the right of Congress to revoke all treaties made with the Native Americans 2 of 10 What did Fisher v. Montana of 1976 allow? It gave tribal courts the right to decide on adoption 3 of 10 What was the termination policy? Native Americans were given the same rights as other American citizens and they were encouraged to relocate to end the reservation system 4 of 10 What did the Menominee Restoration Act of 1973 do? It ended the tribe’s termination status and restored their right to self-determination 5 of 10 Out of the following Presidents, who did the most to improve Native American rights? Nixon 6 of 10 What happened in Oneida v. Oneida and Madison Counties of 1974? A tribe successfully sued for the return of lands, which encouraged further action 7 of 10 What event caused Native Americans to become more united? The siege of Alcatraz, 1969 8 of 10 When did the termination policy officially end? 1970 9 of 10 How much did the Native American population rise from 1970 to 1990? 800,000 in 1970 to 1.7 million in 1990 10 of 10
Native Americans- WW2, The New Deal and IRA, Relocation and Termination Policies and Development of Red Power 1939-1968 (Detailed Notes OCR A-Level) 0.0 / 5
The Role of Presidents in Improving Native American Rights- Nixon, Carter, Ford, Reagan and the Actions of the Supreme Court 1968-1992 (Detailed Notes OCR A-Level) 0.0 / 5
Trade Unions Expansion of the USA after 1865- Civil War, Immigration, Robber Barons and the Federal Governments attempts to limit Monopoly in the Gilded Age (Detailed Notes OCR A-Level) 0.0 / 5
Voting for Native Americans 1865-1992- Focus on Supreme Court decisions (Detailed Notes OCR A-Level) 0.0 / 5
The Build-up to the 19th Amendment- Prohibition, The Populist Party, The Civil War and WW1 (Detailed Notes OCR A-Level) 0.0 / 5
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