A Christmas Carol Quiz 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureA Christmas CarolGCSEAQA Created by: Callista ToCreated on: 07-06-20 08:56 Who is the Author of A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens 1 of 8 What do they call a verse or stanza of a poem or song Stave 2 of 8 What is a novella A short novel or long short story 3 of 8 How is Scrooge's nephew different from Scrooge? Scrooges nephew is warm hearted 4 of 8 How does the knocker change? Jacob Marley's face 5 of 8 Why does Scrooge like the darkness? Because is cheap 6 of 8 How many ghosts visited Scrooge at the Christmas Eve 3 7 of 8 What was the strangest thing about the way the spirit looked? Old and young 8 of 8
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