"A Christmas Carol" plot quiz 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureA Christmas CarolGCSEAQA Created by: 16e.doranCreated on: 06-06-20 15:32 at the beginning of the book, who's funeral does scrooge attend? Jacob Marley 1 of 10 Who is scrooges nephew? Fred 2 of 10 Who is the first ghost to visit scrooge? Marley's Ghost 3 of 10 Where does the Ghost of christmas past take Scrooge first? His childhood school 4 of 10 Fill in the blank- "I wear the .... I forged in life "chains" 5 of 10 Why does Belle leave Scrooge? He had become overcome with business and greed. 6 of 10 Who is Tiny Tim? Bob Cratchit's son 7 of 10 who's grave does the ghost of christmas yet to come show Scrooge? His own 8 of 10 Who gives Scrooge a second chance to fix what he has done? The ghost of christmas yet to come 9 of 10 What does Scrooge buy the Cratchits on Christmas day? A turkey 10 of 10
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