9.1G L'ecole et les matieres 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyWork and educationCurrent and future study and employmentGCSEAQA Created by: Phillipstrumpet007Created on: 25-01-19 17:52 amusant(e) fun, enjoyable 1 of 38 l'anglais (m) English 2 of 38 la biologie biology 3 of 38 le bulletin (scolaire) school report 4 of 38 le cahier exercise book 5 of 38 la cantine canteen 6 of 38 la chimie chemistry 7 of 38 la cour playground 8 of 38 le dissin art 9 of 38 les devoirs (m) homework 10 of 38 difficile difficult 11 of 38 le / la directeur / directrice headteacher 12 of 38 l'eleve (m / f) pupil 13 of 38 ennuyeux boring 14 of 38 l'EPS PE 15 of 38 facile easy 16 of 38 faire attention to pay attention 17 of 38 faire des efforts to make an effort 18 of 38 faitgant tiring 19 of 38 le francais French 20 of 38 l'histoire-geographie history - geography 21 of 38 l'informatique ICT 22 of 38 l'instituteur primary school teacher 23 of 38 insuffisant poor 24 of 38 interssant intersting 25 of 38 la langue language 26 of 38 les maths maths 27 of 38 la matiere school subject 28 of 38 la musique music 29 of 38 les notes marks 30 of 38 oublier to forget 31 of 38 la pause-dejeuner lunch break 32 of 38 la physique physics 33 of 38 le professeur secondary school teacher 34 of 38 les progres progress 35 of 38 la recreation break 36 of 38 severe strict 37 of 38 utile useful 38 of 38
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