The heat content of the products has a lower value than the heat content of the reactants as heat is released into surroundings during this process.
2 of 15
Endothermic Reaction
Heat is absorbed from its surroundings during the reaction (prodcuts have a higher value of heat content than reactants)
3 of 15
The study of heat changes in chemical reactions
4 of 15
Standard Mole Enthalpy of Formation
the enthalpy change when one mole of substance is formed from its constituent elements under standara conditions, when all reactants and products are in their standard states.
5 of 15
Standard Molar Enthalpy of Combustion
the enthalpy change when one mole of substance is completely burned in oxygen under standard condtiions, when all reactants and products are in their standard state
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the process of measuring heat given out or taken in during a reaction in order to calculate enthalpy change
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Specific Heat Capacity
the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1g of substance by 1K
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Hess's Law
states that standard enthalpy of an overall reaction is the sum of the standard enthalpiwes of the individual reactions into which a reaction may be divided.
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Bond Dissociation Entalpy
the enthalpy change required to break a covalent bond with all species in a gaseous state.
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the rate of a chemical reaction measured in terms of the concentrations of each of the reactants and products
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Activation Energy
the minimum energy with which 2 species will react when they collide at the correct orientation
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something which speeds up by providing a mechanism by which the reaction can occur by an alternative route which uses a lower activation energy but is chemically unaffected by the reaction.
13 of 15
Heterogenous Catalyst
the catalyst is in a different phase to the reactants
14 of 15
Homogenous Catalyst
the catatlyst is in the same phase as the reactants
15 of 15
Other cards in this set
Card 2
The heat content of the products has a lower value than the heat content of the reactants as heat is released into surroundings during this process.
Exothermic Reaction
Card 3
Heat is absorbed from its surroundings during the reaction (prodcuts have a higher value of heat content than reactants)
Card 4
The study of heat changes in chemical reactions
Card 5
the enthalpy change when one mole of substance is formed from its constituent elements under standara conditions, when all reactants and products are in their standard states.
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