family of organic molecules which only contain carbon and hydrogen
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General Formula (of alkanes)
Cn+H2n +2
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Catalytic Cracking
Fuel with C11-C14 chains are cracked into smaller molecules on a silica-alumina catalyst, called a zeolite catalyst, at temps of 400-500 and under slight pressure.
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Natural Gas
consists mainly of methane, but also ethane, propane, butane and isobutane
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complex mixture of hydrocarbons that must be refined into different fractions before it can be used
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is the fractional distilation of crude oil into 3 principle cuts: straight-run gasoline, kerosene and gas oil
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octane number
anti-knock properties of a fuel are measured in terms of this
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thermal cracking
C-C bonds in alkanes can be broken this way. Occurs under very high temps (700-1200 K) and pressure (7000kPa)
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Free Radiicals
molecule with an unpaired electron
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Incomplete Combustion
if there is a limited amount of O2 then CO is produced as a by-product (even less O2, soot is produced)
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CaO (calcium oxide) or CaCO3 (limestone) added to power stations to absorb sulphur dioxide.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Cn+H2n +2
General Formula (of alkanes)
Card 3
Fuel with C11-C14 chains are cracked into smaller molecules on a silica-alumina catalyst, called a zeolite catalyst, at temps of 400-500 and under slight pressure.
Card 4
consists mainly of methane, but also ethane, propane, butane and isobutane
Card 5
complex mixture of hydrocarbons that must be refined into different fractions before it can be used
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