2nd exam topics level 3
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- Created by: jackstevens_
- Created on: 13-03-19 09:57
types of round fish
1 of 41
types of flat fish
halibut/turbot/brill/dover sole/lemon sole/plaice/dabs
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types of oily fish
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types of non bony fish
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types of white fish
haddock/cod/hake/ pollock/gurnard/saithe/monkfish/whiff/megrim/witch/plaice/lemon sole
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types of univalve
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types of bivalves
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types of cephalopods
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types of crusteans
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what is the difference between univalves and bivalves?
univalves refers to one shell where the body and often a head sticks to a surface and the shell covers it whereas bivalves have two shells which will open at will and they can live in both fresh and sea water.
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types of shellfish
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how do you sustainably use fish and shellfish?
use sustainable sources/use different varities as to not overfish and use fish that are in abudance over lowly populated species
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quality points of fish
clear and non sunken eyes/no unpleasant smell of ammonia/skin should be moist no slimey/bright and pink gills/firm in texture/no external damage/firmly attached shiny scales/if thawed the fleshed should be firm
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quality points of shellfish
fresh shellfish should be alive/ live shellfish should be lively not limp/should be a good weight proportionate to their size/claws and legs should be intact/shouldnt be too many barnacles on shells/fresh salty smell/open shellfish close when tapped
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what are advanced skills when preparing fish and shellfish?
working with speed/work to minamise waste/clean,trim and de scale/clean shellfish/remove the skin from fish/bone and pinbone fish/shuck oysters/cut fish into portions/pickling,spicing fish/vaccum packing fish
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name the cuts of veal
cushion/saddle/escalope/grenadine/cutlet/fillet/loin/chops/best end/leg/knuckle/shoulder
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what are the quality points of meat and offal?
appearance,not discoloured/colour/aroma/amount of marbling/firm flesh/use by date/aged (beef)/freshness
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nutritional value of different types of meat and offal
protein,fat,vitamins A,D,K.B3,B6,B12/ minerals iron,zinc,riboflavin
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how should you select meat and offal?
select meat with right amount of fat and marbling for your dish/ageing/right meat for cooking method/quality of meat/cost of quantity of meat
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how would you check a meat delivery?
weighing and checking quality of items in front of delivery courier/ use corrective action if needed/reporting/seeking advice from the reportee/contacting suppliers/substituting/replacing,removing menu items/disposal of poor quality items
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what is a force meat?
a mixture of ground lean meat emulsified with fat by grinding,seiving or pureeing ther ingredients/egg white,cream seasoning and herbs are often added to improve,enrich
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how do you cure meat and offal?
curing preserves by adding a combination of salt,nitrates and sugar/many curing processes use smoking,spicing,dehydration and this is the earliest form of curing
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how does the composition of meat influences the choice of preparation in meat and offal?
fat content (does fat need to be trimmedor added with larding and barding)/does the cut need to be tenderised/would the cut benefit from marinating/is it a lean cut that needs to be cooked quickly on a high heat
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what are the bacteria that cause serious harm to health?
E.coli O157/campylobacter/salmonella
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what is the best way to comply with food health safety standards?
make sure nothing is added or removed without knowing/take are to make sure food is treated in a way that makes it safe to eat/make sure it is the quality stated/make sure people are not misled by labeling of food/food hygiene rating displayed
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what is traceability?
records of where every food item was obtained are kept so they can be shown on demand you would include this information on the incident report completed
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why do you complete mise en place work plans?
help to ensure food items are ready for service/wprk with accuracy to reduce waste (maximum yeild)/work with speed/work with proficiency
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what are the different types of vegetables?
fungi/specialist fungi/seaweed,sea vegetables/leaf and brassica/root/tuber/bulb/stems and shoots,sprouting/flowers/squash/vegetable fruits
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quality points of vegetables
colour/aroma/freshness/mould and blemish free/firm or crisp/tenderness use by date
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nutritional value of vegetables - vitamin C
important for maintaining healthy body tissues
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nutritional value of vegetables - vitamin A
for maintenance of normal vision,skin and the immune system
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nutritional value of vegetables - folate
needed for the formation of healthy red blood cells and the nervous system
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nutritional value of vegetables -fibre
helps to maintain a healthy gut
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nutritional value of vegetables - potasssium
helps maintain a helathy blood pressure and is also invloved in the normal functioning of the nervous system
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nutritional value of vegetables - magnesium
helps maintain normal bones and teeth
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why do you pickle vegetables?
to preserve and add flavour by either anaerobic fermentation in brine or immersion in vinegar/pickling will affect food texture flavour and colour
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why should you use acidualted water?
to prevent cut or skinned vegetables from browning (oxsidisation) and this helps them to maintain their apperance
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why would you dry vegetables ?
drying is preservation which inhibits the growth of bacteria,yeasts and mould by the removal of water
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how does the composition of different vegetables the choice of cooking?
root vegetables go into cold water/ vegetables grown above ground grow into boiling water/starchy vegetables need to be par boiled before roasting to remove some starch/ plant structure, water content,cell structure
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what are the factors affecting composistion of vegetables?
season/growing environment/use of pesticides/locations(country,soil,climate)/age/size/storage/harvest to table
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how to maximise nutriotional content of vegetables
preparing near to time/cooking near to time of eating/avoid soaking vegetables/keeping out of sunlight/steaming/stirfrying
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
types of flat fish
halibut/turbot/brill/dover sole/lemon sole/plaice/dabs
Card 3
types of oily fish

Card 4
types of non bony fish

Card 5
types of white fish

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