2.5 Angular motion

  • Created by: Zara Z
  • Created on: 23-03-18 09:58
Anglar motion
The motion of a body which twists or turns about an axis
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Longitudinal axis
Runs vertically from the top of the head to a point between the feet, for example spinning skater, hammer throw
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Transverse axis
Runs horizontally from side to side, for example sit ups, Fosbury flop, somersaults
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Frontal axis
Runs horizontally from front to back, for examplecartwheel, bowling in cricket
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Angular displacement
The angle in radians through with a point or line has been rotated in a specific sense about specified axis 60 degrees in one radiant.
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Angular velocity
Rate of movement in rotation, angular velocity = angles turned in radians/time taken to turn
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Angulsr acceleration
The rate of change of velocity, Angular acceleration = change in angular velocity / time taken to turn
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Angular momentum
Amount of motion a body has during rotation, Angular momentum = Angular velocity x moment of inertia
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The twisting force that could be applied to a body to cause it to turn or spin, it is defined as the force applied to the body multiplied by the perpendicular distance to the axis of rotation. This means that the bigger the force and distance from th
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Card 2


Runs vertically from the top of the head to a point between the feet, for example spinning skater, hammer throw


Longitudinal axis

Card 3


Runs horizontally from side to side, for example sit ups, Fosbury flop, somersaults


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Card 4


Runs horizontally from front to back, for examplecartwheel, bowling in cricket


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Card 5


The angle in radians through with a point or line has been rotated in a specific sense about specified axis 60 degrees in one radiant.


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