2.1 Understanding Management

  • Created by: Zruixx
  • Created on: 18-04-23 17:22
What is a Leader?
A Leader is someone who set the direct and strategy for a business.
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What is a Manager?
Managers implement the strategy set by the leader by:
- Setting Objectives
- Reviewing the impact of their decisions
- Selecting strategies to implement
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What is Autocratic Leadership?
An approach by leaders or managers to keep control of decision making and ensure that employees are closely supervised
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What is Democratic Leadership?
Democratic Leadership refers to an approach by leaders or managers to discuss and consult with employees, delegate decision making authority and empower employees through involvement.
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What is Laissez-Faire?
A leadership style where the leader has a level of trust in their staff to get things done and make the correct decisions
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What are on the x-axis and the y-axis of the Blake Mouton Grid?
x-axis - Concern about the task (Low-High)
y-axis - Concern about the people (Low-High)
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What is Impoverished Management?
Low Concern for the task and the people
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What is Country Club Management?
Low concern for the task and High Concern for the people
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What is Produce or Perish Management?
High Concern for the task and Low Concern about the people
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What is Team Leader Management?
High Concern for the task and the people
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Describe the Tannenbaum Schmidt Continuum
- On the Left is Authority of Decision making is given to managers
- On the Right is Freedom of Employees to make decisions
- As the line moves from left to right, the level of authority for managers decreases whilst the Employee's increases
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a Manager?


Managers implement the strategy set by the leader by:
- Setting Objectives
- Reviewing the impact of their decisions
- Selecting strategies to implement

Card 3


What is Autocratic Leadership?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Democratic Leadership?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Laissez-Faire?


Preview of the front of card 5
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