2. Parties
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- Created by: AshyBoy
- Created on: 20-05-18 22:45
2. Evaluate the extent to which Theresa May’s Conservative Party is Thatcherite
blah blah blah
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What are the topics?
Police & Military; Tax; The European Union; Laissez Faire
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blah blah blah
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What is the evidence for this?
Falklands War & May's Military Budget/Syria
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When was the Falklands War?
1982 (Re-assert Britain's interests abroad)
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What was May's military budget promise in the Conservative Manifesto for 2017?
It was to invest an additional £173 billion into new military equipment over the next decade
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When did May bomb Syrian gas plants?
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What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
Miner's Strike and May police cuts
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When was the Miner's strike and what was Thatcher's response?
1984, Thatcher mobilised the police in an authoritarian way to "crush" the strike
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How much did May cut police numbers?
10% (Less authoritarian than Thatcher)
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blah blah blah
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What is the evidence for this?
Thatcher Tax cuts and May tax cuts
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How much did Thatcher cut taxes from the rich and common people?
From 86% to 60% for rich and 33% to 30% for common people
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How much did May promise to cut corporation tax?
20% to 17% by 2020 (Not necessarily Thatcherite since the Conservatives have always traditionally been the party for less taxes)
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What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
Thatcher Tax reform and May's lack of attention to Tax reform
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When and how much did Thatcher cut top rate tax?
1988, from 60% to 40%
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blah blah blah
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What is the evidence for this?
Thatcher soundbite and May soundbite
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What was Thatcher's famous saying to the EEC president when he advised that the European Parliament be the democratic body of the UK?
"No, No, No" - Thatcher denounced a "European super-state exercising a new dominance from Brussels" - Thatcher was a Euro-sceptic.
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What is May's famous line about negotiations with the EU?
"No deal is better than a bad deal" (Could just be acting up due to being the PM of a Britain that wants Brexit)
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What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
May's weakness and indecisiveness about Post-EU relations
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How many Conservative MP's rebelled against the government Brexit deal?
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What did the DUP tell May?
That no deal would be satisfactory enough for them to leave the EU with the UK.
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blah blah blah
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What is the evidence for this?
Thatcher's privatisation and May's defending of the free market
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What did Thatcher privatise?
National airlines and utility companies
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When did Thatcher crush the Miner's Strike and privatise the mines?
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What did Thatcher say about her aim for Britain?
To turn it "from a give-it-to-me, to a do-it-yourself nation,”.
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What did May say about the free market?
She called it "the greatest agent of collective human progress ever created" (Then again the free market and privatisation is a Conservative policy not a Thatcherite one)
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What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
May's and Thatcher's views on independent employment
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What is a focus for May?
The protection of self-employed and those people working within the ‘gig’ or ‘temporary’ economy is a focus for May
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But how does this differ with being Thatcherite?
Thatcher didn’t see entrepreneurship and self-employment as the last resort of vulnerable people yearning for governmental protection, but as self-confident acts of personal growth for a new class of British go-getters.
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4. Extent to which Third Parties can influence UK politics
blah blah blah
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What are the topics?
Problematic Ministers; Pressure Groups; Other Minority Groups
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blah blah blah
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What is the evidence for this?
Dismissal of Amber Rudd and Mark Garnier
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When was Amber Rudd dismissed from Home Secretary and why did this weaken the PM / Inflluence UK politics?
2018 Windrush Scandal - Weakened Theresa May because Rudd was loyal to her and one of the few remainers in her cabinet
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Why was Mark Garnier sacked and what affect did it have on UK politics?
2018, due to sexual misconduct - Makes Conservatives look weak
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What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
Only votes matter (The Government Majority) Blair vs May
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What was Blair's majority in 1997 and how many bills did he pass in that year?
167 - 52 (1 denied)
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What is May's Minority in 2017 and how many bills did she pass in that year?
-9 - 28 (3 denied)
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blah blah blah
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What is the evidence for this?
Snowdrop Campaign and Ghurka Justice Campaign
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What was the Snowdrop Campaign and what did it result in?
Mass shooting in a school n Scotland in 1996. The Campaign wanted a ban on handguns but the Conservative government only gave stricter regulation however in 1997 they lost to Labour with a 179 seat majority who then introduced a handgun ban
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When was the "Ghurka Justice Campaign" and how many Ghurka's did it affect?
It was in 1997 and it affected only 15,000 but public support saw to it that they achieve the Ghurka's right to residency in the UK
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What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
Fathers 4 Justice
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What do Fathers 4 Justice do due to not having the ear of the government?
They scaled Buckingham Palace and threw pink powder at the PM during a PMQ in 2004 (Tony Blair)
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blah blah blah
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What is the evidence for this?
UKIP and 2010 coalition
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What was rhe 2010 coalition and how does it show how minority parties can affect UK politics?
The coalition between the conservatives and the LibDem shows that smaller parties such as LibDem who had small percentages of votes (23%) can still impact UK politics
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What happened after the ban of the BNP and how many votes did UKIP get in 2015?
The far right voters flocked to UKIP instead of the conservatives which reduced the Conservatives votes and thus their majority and thus their power to pass through legislature - UKIP got 13% of votes ( 4 Million Votes )
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What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
LibDem percentage and UKIP crash
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How much did the LibDem shrink from the 2010 election?
2010: 23% - 2017: 7% (Smaller parties can only influence a bit but eventually the two party style of the FPTP electoral system squeezes them out)
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What happened to UKIP after the 2016 Brexit referendum?
UKIP crashed after Brexit from 13% in 2015 to 1.8% in 2017
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the topics?
Police & Military; Tax; The European Union; Laissez Faire
Card 3

Card 4
What is the evidence for this?

Card 5
When was the Falklands War?

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