1A Vokabeln - Wie man sich vorstellt 0.0 / 5 ? GermanGrammar and vocabularyGCSEAQA Created by: Boo_cutedogCreated on: 29-10-13 16:39 das Alter age 1 of 14 der Wohnort place of residence 2 of 14 faul lazy 3 of 14 freundlich friendly 4 of 14 frohlich cheerful 5 of 14 groB tall, big 6 of 14 klein small 7 of 14 lustig funny 8 of 14 mittelgroB medium-sized 9 of 14 sympathisch likable, sympathetic 10 of 14 ungeduldig impatient 11 of 14 also so 12 of 14 eigentlich actually 13 of 14 Lieblings... favourite... 14 of 14
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