1. Ultrasound and x-rays 3.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? PhysicsMedical PhysicsGCSEAQA Created by: Vicky FursdonCreated on: 20-02-13 19:53 what is an x-ray? High frequency, short wavelength electromagnetic waves 1 of 10 What materials absorb x-rays? Metal and bones 2 of 10 How does CT scans works? X-rays are rotated around the patient, which are detected by sensors , which are interpreted by a computer - it shows hard and soft tissue 3 of 10 How are x-rays used to cure cancer? Wide beams are rotated round the tumor 4 of 10 How do radiographers take precautions? They wear lead aprons, stand behind a lead screen and leave the room 5 of 10 What are ultrasounds Mechanical vibrations which are higher frequency than human hearing 6 of 10 How is partial reflection used for ultrasound imagery Some of the ultrasounds are reflected of the boundary of a different medium - these reflected waves can be detected to make ultrasound 7 of 10 Name two uses of ultrasounds Breaking down kidney stone, pre-natal scanning of a fetus 8 of 10 Which is safer and why out of x-rays and ultrasounds? Ultrasounds - x-rays ionize, which kill cells 9 of 10 Which produces high resolution images out of ultrasound and x-rays? X-rays as they are also used (CT scans) to plan for complicated surgery 10 of 10
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