19th Century British Politics
AS level Revision
2.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings
- Created by: happenan
- Created on: 01-05-12 19:12
When were the Bristol Riots?
1 of 71
Where else were their riots in 1831?
Derby and Nottingham
2 of 71
When did Wellington fail to form government?
1831- Days of May
3 of 71
Why did Earl Grey Resign in 1831? (Days of May)
Beacuse of the Kings refusal to create more Whig peers
4 of 71
When was the second reform bill defeated in Lords?
October 1831
5 of 71
The influence of the monarch ______ as a result of 1832
6 of 71
The Carlton Club and Reform club were created in which years respectively?
1832 and 1836
7 of 71
Did the social make up of the commons change as a result of 1832?
No, event he middle classes didn
8 of 71
By how much did the electorate approximately increase by after 1832?
300,000 middle class votes
9 of 71
When did Peel repeal the Corn Laws, hence splitting the Tories?
10 of 71
When was the Tamworth Manifesto?
11 of 71
Why was the Tamworth Manifesto unusual?
It was the first time a leader had set out their vision
12 of 71
What are the six points of the Charter?
Universal Manhood Suffrage, Secret Ballot, Equal Constinuencies, No MP property qualifications, Annual Parliaments, Payment of MPs
13 of 71
When was Universal Manhood Suffrage passed?
14 of 71
When was the Secret Ballot Act passed?
15 of 71
When were Equal Constituencies Introduced?
16 of 71
When was No Property Qualifications for MPs passed?
17 of 71
When were annual parliaments introduced?
They still haven
18 of 71
When was Payment of MPs introduced?
19 of 71
Who said " I defy to agitate a man on a full stomach"?
William Cobbet
20 of 71
Who said Chartism was the "Politics of Hunger"?
21 of 71
When were the Swing Riots?
22 of 71
When was the French Revolution?
July 1830
23 of 71
Who said 1832 was "In an ace of revolution"?
24 of 71
If Lovett was moral force O'Connor was....
Physical Force
25 of 71
Name two young Chartist Leaders
Ernest Jones and G.J.Harney
26 of 71
How did Lovett once describe O'Connor?
"The cheif marplot of our movement"!
27 of 71
Who formed the LMWA and in what year?
William Lovett - 1836
28 of 71
What does the NCA stand for and who formed it in what year?
National Charter Association- Feargus O
29 of 71
What does the NA stand for, what did it support and what year was it formed?
National Association- Moral Force Chartists, 1841
30 of 71
When were the Chartist's new moves brought it and what were the based on?
1841- Christian and Temerance
31 of 71
What one example shows how the government increased the effectiveness of the police?
32 of 71
When was the Rural Police Act?
33 of 71
How did the death of Palmerston present the issue of Reform?
Palmerston was against and prevented Reform
34 of 71
When were the Hyde Park riots?
35 of 71
Who said the Hyde Park Riots were "not a revolutionary threat"?
36 of 71
When was and who introduced the 'fancy franchises' bill
Disraeli - 1866
37 of 71
When was the National Union of Conservatives Associations set up?
38 of 71
When was the Conservative office centralised and Gorst employed?
39 of 71
By what year did the Conservatives have someone standing in every seat?
40 of 71
What was Gorst in charge of?
Conservative party organisation
41 of 71
When was the first Liberal Caucus and where?
Birmingham 1867
42 of 71
Justice for _______ was who's campaign slogan in 1868?
Ireland - Liberals
43 of 71
When was the Third Reform Act?
44 of 71
By how much did the electorate approximately increase?
45 of 71
What percentage of votes were accounted for by the working classes?
46 of 71
When was the Redistribution Act introduced?
47 of 71
How did the Conservatives benefit from this?
One member constituencies
48 of 71
Where were the corn laws repealed and by who?
1846 - Peel
49 of 71
At its height, which newspaper did the Northern Star outsell?
The Times
50 of 71
Where did the Northern Star relocate to in 1844, suggesting Chartism was a national movement?
51 of 71
What was the population to MP ratio in Old Sarum before 1832?
52 of 71
After 1832 how many boroughs remained with less than 30 voters?
53 of 71
Pre-1832 how was the Tory party split?
Liberals vs Ultra
54 of 71
When was Catholic Emancipation passed?
55 of 71
Who was PM 1828-30? (Tory)
56 of 71
Who was PM 1830-34 (Whig)
Grey and Melbourne
57 of 71
Who was PM 1834-5 (Tory)
58 of 71
Who was PM 1835-41 (Whig)
59 of 71
Who was PM 1846-52? (Whig)
60 of 71
Who was PM 1853-58 (Whig)
61 of 71
Who was PM 1858-9 (Tory)
62 of 71
Who was PM 1859-66 (Liberal)
Russel and Palmerston
63 of 71
Who was PM 1866-8 (Tory)
Derby and Disraeli
64 of 71
Who was PM 1868-74 (Liberal)
65 of 71
Who was PM 1874-80 (Tory)
66 of 71
Who was PM 1880-85 (Liberal)
67 of 71
Who was PM 1885-6 (Tory)
68 of 71
Who was PM 1886 (Liberal)
69 of 71
Who was PM 1886-92 (Tory)
70 of 71
Who was PM 1892-95 (Liberal)
Gladstone and Rosebery
71 of 71
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Where else were their riots in 1831?
Derby and Nottingham
Card 3
When did Wellington fail to form government?

Card 4
Why did Earl Grey Resign in 1831? (Days of May)

Card 5
When was the second reform bill defeated in Lords?

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