1936 Constitution 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia 1905-1941IGCSEICAAE Created by: katewellsCreated on: 31-05-16 16:06 What confirmed Stalin's and the communists party's control over the USSR? The new constitution 1 of 12 How was the structure of parliament changed? There was 2 chambers 2 of 12 What were the 2 chambers of parliament? Soviet union and Soviet of nationalities 3 of 12 How often were elections held? Every 4 years 4 of 12 Why were the elections pointless? There was only 1 party, so the elections were never contested 5 of 12 Where did the real power lie? With Stalin and the central committee 6 of 12 What were persecuted? Churches 7 of 12 What was banned? Religious services 8 of 12 Which religious figures were persecuted and sent to labour camps? Priests 9 of 12 Why was art, music and literature censored? So they would glorify the achievements of the communist revolution adn people 10 of 12 What was USSR classed as? A totalitarian state 11 of 12 How many were estimated to die in the gulags from 1930-50? 50 million 12 of 12
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