1625-88 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryBritish monarchy - Tudors and StuartsA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Fionaa512Created on: 12-11-17 13:04 When did charles become king? 1625 1 of 24 When was the petition of right? 1628 2 of 24 when did charles dissolve his first parliament 1629 3 of 24 when was the 1st scottish rebellion 1637 4 of 24 first recallment of parliament 1640 5 of 24 when was the the outbreak of war 1642 6 of 24 charles' execution 1649 7 of 24 when was the rump first dissolved by cromwell 1653 8 of 24 when was the restoration of charles ii 1660 9 of 24 first declartion of indulgence 1662 10 of 24 1672 second decleration of indulgence 11 of 24 when was the exclusion crisis 1672-82 12 of 24 death of charles ii and succsession of james ii 1685 13 of 24 invasion by william 1688 14 of 24 refusal of tonnage and poundag to charles + henrietta Maria comes 1625 15 of 24 charles demands forced loan and five knights case 1627 16 of 24 charles dissolves par for buckingham 1626 17 of 24 assaination of buckingham w/ petition of right 1628 18 of 24 three resolutions lead to dissolution and perosnal rule 1629 19 of 24 Laud appointed arch bishop of cantrbury 1633 20 of 24 English prayer book imposed in scotland + hamoden chakkenged ship money 1637 21 of 24 when did chalres raise his standard 1642 22 of 24 Pym's excersie tax for army 1643 23 of 24 levellers influcenced soilders in case of the Army Trult stated 1647 24 of 24
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