1.3.3 Networks

  • Created by: Zruixx
  • Created on: 29-03-23 09:53
What is a Network?
A network is the name given to two or more computers connected together with the ability to transmit data between each other
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What is a LAN?
A Local Area Network is the name given to a network which is spread over a small geographical area or a single site
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What is a WAN?
A Wide Area Network is the name given to a network which is spread over a large geographical area
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What is Physical Network Toplogy?
The physical layout of the wires and components which form the network
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What is Logical Network Topology?
The layout which shows how data flows
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What is Star Topology?
Star Topologies use a central node, often a switch, to direct data through the network. Every device on the network is connected to the switch
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What are the Advantages of Star Topology?
- Performance is consistent
- If one cable fails, only that station is affected
- Easy to add new stations
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What are the Disadvantages of Star Topology?
- Expensive due to switch and cabling
- If the central switch fails, the rest of the network fails
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What is Mesh Topology?
In Mesh Topology, every node is connected to every other node
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What are the Advantages of Mesh Topology?
- If the network is wireless, there is no cabling cost
- As the number of nodes increase, the reliability and speed of network become better
- Nodes are automatically incorporated
- No central switch which improves speed
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What are the Disadvantages of Mesh Topology?
- If using a wireless network, devices with wireless capability must be purchased
- If using a wired network, a large quantity of cable is required
- Maintenance is difficult
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What is a Protocol?
A protocol is a set of rules defining how two computers communicate with each other
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What is the TCP/IP Stack?
The TCP/IP is a stack of networking protocols that work together passing packets during communication
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What does the Application Layer do?
The specifies the protocol that needs to be used in order to relate the application that's being sent
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What does the Transport Layer do?
-Establishes end-to-end connection between the source and the recipient computer
- Splits data into packets and labels them with a packet number
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What does the Network Layer do?
- Adds the source and destination IP addresses
- Routers use IP addresses and sockets to forward the packets to the specified destination
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What does the Link Layer do?
Adds MAC address identifying the Network Interface Cards of the source and destination computers
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What is DNS?
The Domain Name System is the system used to name and organise internet resources
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What are Data Packets?
Packets are segments of data which contain a:
- Header (Protocols, IP addresses)
- Payload (Raw Data)
- Trailer (Checksum)
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What is Packet Switching?
Packet Switching is a method of communication in which data is communicated using packets across a network
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What is Circuit Switching?
Circuit Switching is a method of communication where a direct link is created between two devices. The link is maintained for the duration of the entire conversation between devices.
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What is a Firewall?
A Firewall is a device designed to prevent unauthorised access to a network. It consists of two NICs between the user and the internet
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What is a Proxy?
A Proxy server acts as an intermediary, collecting and sending data on behalf of a user. The privacy of the user is protected and help to reduce web traffic.
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What is a NIC?
A Network Interface Card is the card required to connect a device to a network. Built into a device and assigns a unique Media Access Control address to each device.
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What is a Switch?
A switch is a device used to direct the flow of data across a network
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What is a WAP?
A Wireless Access Point which allows a device to connect to a network. Commonly combined with a router to enable internet access
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What is a Router?
A router is used to connect two or more networks together
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What is a Gateway?
A gateway is used when protocols are not the same between networks. It translates the protocols so that networks can communicate.
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What are Client-Server Networks?
Client-Server networks consist of terminals known as clients connected to a server. The server is a powerful, central computer.
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What are Peer-to-Peer Networks?
A network in which computers are connected to each other so that they can share files. Each device acts as both a server and a client
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a LAN?


A Local Area Network is the name given to a network which is spread over a small geographical area or a single site

Card 3


What is a WAN?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Physical Network Toplogy?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Logical Network Topology?


Preview of the front of card 5
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