1. Democracy
3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings
- Created by: AshyBoy
- Created on: 20-05-18 20:21
1. Evaluate the extent to which the UK is in the midst of a ‘participation crisis' (30)
blah blah blah
1 of 120
What is the line of argument?
That apathy is a key factor (They vote for what they understand/care about
2 of 120
What are the 4 topics?
Decreasing Voter Turnout; Pressure Group Membership; Political Party Membership and Political Education
3 of 120
blah blah blah
4 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
Local Election Turnouts
5 of 120
What was the Local election turnouts for 2014 and 1018?
2014; 35% - 2018: 43%
6 of 120
What was the General Election Turnout for 1992, 2011 and 2017?
1992: 77% - 2001: 60% - 2017: 68%
7 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
Scottish referendum and Brexit referendum
8 of 120
What was the Scottish referendum turnout?
9 of 120
What was the Brexit referendum turnout?
10 of 120
blah blah blah
11 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
Momentum membership (Left wing promotion group) and Greenpeace UK membership
12 of 120
What is Momentum's membership?
13 of 120
What is GreenPeace Uk's membership
14 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence?
Trade Union membership and BMA membership
15 of 120
What are the trade unions membership?
6.2 million
16 of 120
What is the BMA's membership?
17 of 120
blah blah blah
18 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
Conservatives and LibDem
19 of 120
What is the Conservative party membership?
2002: 270,000 - 2018: 120,000
20 of 120
What is the LibDem party membership?
2010: 65,000 - 2018: 49,000
21 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence?
Labour membership
22 of 120
What is the Labour party's membership?
2015: 390,000 - 2018: 550,000
23 of 120
blah blah blah
24 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
Lack of GCSE Politics options in schools - Lack of a codified constitution so people are less political - QUANGO shut down (Political Forum) - Some knowledge is on the internet so unavailable to some people.
25 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence?
There is plenty of information out there but you have to just look for it - The government tried to educate people about Brexit through booklets (Only because the executive is remain)
26 of 120
2. Evaluate the extent to which the UK suffers from a ‘democratic deficit’ (30)
blah blah blah
27 of 120
What is the line of argument?
The UK is not in a democratic deficit
28 of 120
What are the topics?
Inefficient FPTP; Representative Democracy; House of Lords; Parliamentary Sovereignty
29 of 120
blah blah blah
30 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
Wasted Votes and Tactical Voting
31 of 120
How many wasted votes were there in the 2010 and 2015 election?
2010: 15.7 mil - 2015: 22 mil
32 of 120
How many votes were tactical in the 2015 election?
2.8 mil (10%)
33 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
Small groups having a big influence and The rejection of the AV system
34 of 120
What small group in what country is an example of too much influence?
The FDP party in Germany
35 of 120
What was the outcome of the 2011 AV vote?
32% Yes - 62% No (Could be that people didn't understand AV or that people prefer FPTP because it's simple) The people prefer FPTP so it is democratically legitimate
36 of 120
blah blah blah
37 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
MP's being free to do what they want for 5 years and reduces political engagement due to people not feeling qualified to decide and trust MP's to make decisions for them.
38 of 120
What is an example of an MP who manipulated his constituents?
Lutfur Rahman in 2015 Tower Hamlets (Solicited non-English speaking elders to vote for him.)
39 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
The people still vote for the MP so it is still democracy and The MP's can perform surgeries to hear the wishes of their constituents
40 of 120
When and how many surgeries did Stephen Timms perform?
2011: 2300 surgeries
41 of 120
blah blah blah
42 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
Unelected House of Lords peers and Powers of the HOL
43 of 120
How many hereditary peers does the House of Lords have? And how many bishops?
92 Hereditary and 26 Bishops
44 of 120
How long can the House of Lords veto legislation?
Up to one year
45 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
Reforms to the House of Lords
46 of 120
What was the 1911 Parliament Act ?
It prevented the House of Lords to veto money bills and reduced veto time to 2 years
47 of 120
What was the Salisbury Convention?
It prevented the House of Lords to veto legislation that was in the majority party's manifesto
48 of 120
What was the 1946 Parliament Act ?
It further reduced veto time to 1 year
49 of 120
What was the House of Lords Act of 1999?
It reduced the number of hereditary peers from 600 to 92
50 of 120
blah blah blah
51 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
Supreme power of Parliament and the EU
52 of 120
What did Parliament suspend during the 7/11 attacks?
The Human Rights Act
53 of 120
What did Parliament do to those that live in the homes taken down to build way for the HS2 railway?
Forced them out
54 of 120
What does Brexit mean for Parliamentary Sovereignty?
This means that now Parliament has even more power and can suspend any rights and liberties the population has
55 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
The Brexit referendum
56 of 120
Why did the government have to follow through with Brexit?
Because even though theoretically they can ignore the referendum results politically it would be suicide for the Conservatives
57 of 120
3. Evaluate the extent to which votes should be extended to 16 year olds (30)
blah blah blah
58 of 120
What are the topics?
Other legal rights of that demographic; Maturity & Knowledge of that Demographic; The engagement of that demographic and the value of that demographics vote
59 of 120
Other Legal Rights of That Demographic
blah blah blah
60 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
Their rights to do other things
61 of 120
What other rights do 16 year olds have?
Join the Army - Work - Leave School - Marry - Sex - Medical Treatment
62 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
The limitations of these rights
63 of 120
What is the limitation on a 16 year old's right to marry?
They have to have parental consent
64 of 120
What is a downside for 16 year olds working?
Not many 16 year olds work full time and 16 year olds have lower pay than other ages due to labour laws
65 of 120
blah blah blah
66 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
16 year olds have access to political information
67 of 120
What ways can 16 year olds become informed on politics?
GCSE Politics - A-Level Politics - Online Research - Books and Newspapers
68 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
That they would be influenced to vote like their parents and that 16 year olds lack the life knowledge to vote
69 of 120
blah blah blah
70 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
Y P and the Scottish Referendum
71 of 120
What organisation allows 16 year olds to engage with politics?
The Youth Parliament
72 of 120
What was the turnout for the Scottish Referendum from 16 year olds?
73 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
The small size of the Youth Parliament - the Scottish Referendum overall turnout and lack of paritcipation from 18-24 year olds so what difference will 16-17 year olds make?
74 of 120
What was the overall turnout of the Scottish referendum?
75 of 120
blah blah blah
76 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
16 year olds should be able to vote about issues that affect them - it increases the democratic legitimacy of the elections - The political parties would then have to listen to them about issues
77 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
16 year olds don't vote in a majority of countries so the UK is not in the minority
78 of 120
4. Evaluate the extent to which the pressure groups with the greatest means achieve their objectives
blah blah blah
79 of 120
What are the topics?
Resources; Public Support; Government Attitude
80 of 120
blah blah blah
81 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
The membership of the RSPCA and their statistics
82 of 120
How many members does the RSPCA have?
2,000 staff and thousands of volunteers
83 of 120
How much money did the RSPCA raise in 2016?
£12 Million
84 of 120
How many animals did the RSPCA rescue in 2016?
85 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
The Rupublic campaign for the abolition of the monarchy
86 of 120
How many members does the RCAM have?
25,000 (Yet no progress showing that public support is necessary) (They launched during the Queens Jubilee when public support of the Queen was high)
87 of 120
blah blah blah
88 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
The Feed Me Better Campaign and the Ghurka Justice campaign
89 of 120
When was the "Feed Me Better" campaign and what did it result in?
2005 - It had little resources but mass public support saw to it that the government promised to invest £280 million in school meals
90 of 120
When was the "Ghurka Justice Campaign" and how many Ghurka's did it affect?
It was in 1997 and it affected only 15,000 but public support saw to it that they achieve the Ghurka's right to residency in the UK
91 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
NACRO's aims and their achievements without public support
92 of 120
What are NACRO's aims and what are their successes?
To resettle young offenders (Not that much public support) yet they still achieve their aims - Helped 40,000 people and secured safe housing for 1,200 custody leavers
93 of 120
blah blah blah
94 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
The BMA and the Father 4 Justice Campaign
95 of 120
What did the government ask of the BMA and what did it result in?
They asked them to do a report on the harmful effects of smoking which resulted in a ban of smoking in public indoor areas in 2006
96 of 120
What do Fathers 4 Justice do due to not having the ear of the government?
They scaled Buckingham Palace and threw pink powder at the PM during a PMQ in 2004 (Tony Blair)
97 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
The Snowdrop Campaign
98 of 120
What was the Snowdrop Campaign and what did it result in?
Mass shooting in a school n Scotland in 1996. The Campaign wanted a ban on handguns but the Conservative government only gave stricter regulation however in 1997 they lost to Labour with a 179 seat majority who then introduced a handgun ban
99 of 120
6. Evaluate the extent to which rights and liberties are protected in the UK
blah blah blah
100 of 120
What are the topics?
Parliamentary Sovereignty; Human Rights; Courts
101 of 120
blah blah blah
102 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
European Convention on Human Rights (Would be political suicide for parliament to repeal any rights) - Liberty
103 of 120
When was the European Convention on Human Rights established?
104 of 120
What was the 2000 Terrorism Act and what did the human rights pressure group Liberty do?
It allowed the stop and search of suspected terrorists by police - Liberty in 2010 went to Strasbourg the European Court and got the act repealed
105 of 120
What other act did Liberty get repealed?
The ID Cards Act in 2010 even though 80% of the public supported it
106 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
The 7/11 attacks and Brexit
107 of 120
What did the government do during the 7/11 London attacks?
2005 - They suspended the Human Rights Act
108 of 120
What does Brexit affect?
The lack of a better protection of human rights within the UK means that when we leave the European courts the peoples liberties will be less protected due to Parliaments supremacy
109 of 120
blah blah blah
110 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
111 of 120
What is PACE and what does it protect?
PACE Act of 1984 - If evidence is brought against you that came as a result of a breach of your human rights it is thrown out - If your human rights were violated while being detained your case will be thrown out
112 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
The case of Abu Qatada
113 of 120
Who is Abu Qatada and what happened?
He was an extremist Islamic preacher who was flown back to Jordan due to accusations that he suffered from torture at the hands of the UK government (Even though this protects his rights it violates the public's right to be safe from terrorists )
114 of 120
blah blah blah
115 of 120
What is the evidence for this?
Birmingham School and Data Protection
116 of 120
When was a school in Birmingham in trouble and why?
2017 - They separated boys and girls and this went against the 2010 Equality Act
117 of 120
What is the Counterpoint evidence for this?
The Cake Bake case and Max Mosley
118 of 120
When and what was the Cake Bake case?
2015 - Chirtian bakers didn't want to serve gay people (Freedom of Religion vs Equality)
119 of 120
Who is Max Mosley and what did he do?
He won a trial of his Right to Privacy in his sexual life vs the press' right to free speech
120 of 120
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the line of argument?
That apathy is a key factor (They vote for what they understand/care about
Card 3
What are the 4 topics?

Card 4

Card 5
What is the evidence for this?

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